Prayer of One About to be Married
O Gracious Father, Who dost bless us by Thy bounty, pardon us by Thy mercy, support and guide us by Thy grace, and govern us by Thy providence; I give Thee
humble and hearty thanks for all the mercies which I have received at Thy
hands in time past. And, now, since Thou hast called me to the holy state of
marriage, be pleased to be with me in my entering into it and passing through it,
that it may not be a state of temptation or sorrow to me by occasion of my sins or
infirmities, but of holiness and comfort, of love and dutifulness, as Thou hast
intended it to be to all that love and fear Thy holy name. Amen.
Marriage Prayer
Look down, O Lord, we beseech Thee, upon those Thy servants, and afford Thy favorable assistance to Thine own institution by which thou hast ordained the propagation of mankind, that they who are joined together by Thy authority, may be preserved by Thy aid. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer that the Marriage Tie be Perpetual
Mercifully give ear, O Lord, to our prayers, and let Thy grace accompany this Thy institution, by which thou hast ordained the propagation of mankind; that this tie, which is made by Thy authority, may be preserved by Thy grace. Through our Lord Jesus Christ etc.
Prayer to the 14 Holy Helpers for Married People
Holy Helpers, powerful intercessors at the throne of God, by whose providence we were indissolubly joined in holy wedlock through the sacramental bonds of matrimony; obtain for us, through your intercession, the grace to dwell together in mutual love and peace, and to fulfill faithfully the duties of our state of life; that following the example of the saints and elect who lived in wedlock, we may merit God's grace and blessing by a virtuous life here on earth, and united in heaven praise and bless Him forever. Amen.
For a Husband or Wife
O God, who hast ordained and sanctified the holy estate of matrimony, for replenishing the earth, for mutual consolation, and as a type of the union of Christ and His Church; give me grace both thankfully to accept its blessings, and carefully to fulfil its duties. I beseech Thee continually to bless our union, and to enable us to live together in peace and love, in the faithful discharge of all our duties to Thee, and to each other. Deliver us from every evil temper, from every heedless action, which may in any way weaken or embitter the sacredness of that tie by which Thou hast bound us together, and which can never be severed. Make me faithful and affectionate, studious to please, and ready to deny my own will and inclination in all things. Let not the trials and crosses of this life induce me to murmur, nor any earthly blessings cause me to forget Thee, the Author and Giver of all; but by patience and meekness, by prayer and thankfulness, may all things be sanctified unto me, and fit me for eternal union with Thee, through Jesus Christ. Amen.