Instructions for the Feast of St. Rose of Lima

by Leonard Goffine, Published 1896

St. Rose was born in 1586 at Lima, the capital of Peru, of poor but noble Spaniards. Her baptismal name was Isabella, which, however, was changed into Rose, at the incident of her mother one day perceiving a beautiful rose suspended over the face of the sleeping babe. The little girl was of a most attractive exterior, and of quiet disposition and so amiable in her ways, that she was of universal joy to all the house.

In her tenderest age she already manifested signs of her patience and endurance in sufferings. Once the cover of a chest fell upon and crushed her right thumb, but she kept it quiet and concealed, until the finger had festered so badly, that the surgeon was obliged to amputate it; upon an other occasion, when a most painful cure was undertaken on her, she uttered no sound, though she trembled for very pain. It was the spirit of religion and self-denial that enabled her to act thus. Her elder brother once happened to soil her hair, whilst playing with her; this vexed her a little, but her brother pithily retorted: "Those long hair and braids of ye girls are only so many snares, with which the devil tries to entangle and bind young men." Such words touched her to the quick; apprehending danger on all sides, she cried to God, her only refuge, entreating Him to assist her with His grace; she offered her entire se!f to Him, vowing chastity for life, in testimony of which she cut off her beautiful hair. Jesus, now her only love, wonderfully led her to a higher spiritual life, her parents on the other hand urging her to partake of the vanities of the world. Her mother, proud of the beauty of Rose, always pressed her to dress and brush up as gayly as possible, poor as she was; she would have her decorate her head with flowers and ribands, to use powders, to wear corals and beads about her neck and arms. Rose patiently suffered these vain commands and obeyed with bitter grief, but with the flowers she would press thorns upon her head; in one instance she fastened a wreath of flowers with a pin to her very scalp in order to suffer more under the appearance of vain decoration.

In all this things she was a most loving and self-sacrificing child; she labored with unwearied diligence, doing all in her power to assist her parents, who had sunk deeply into poverty.

Rose as she was by name, and to some extent in fact, she also grew up amid many thorns. When she had arrived at the age suitable for marriage, she was to be espoused to the son of a rich widow; all negotiations had already been settled without the least knowledge on the part of Rose, who would by all means remain a faithful spouse to Jesus. Rose refused to give her hand under any condition, though her mother entreated, threatened and even chastised her with the rod; many are the troubles and the tears she caused to Rose, who was strengthened from above to resist all inducements to change her holy resolution.

When twenty years of age, she obtained permission to enter the third Order of St. Dominic, in which condition she was still allowed to live at her home. Having entered this state of life, she increased her mortifications to a greater extent, than ever before; she ate little and coarse food at that; she nearly always slept upon little blocks of wood and potsherds, at most she made use of simple boards; she wounded her tender body with an iron girdle, which she contracted so far, that it sunk deeply into her flesh; in order to be unable ever to relieve herself of the continual pain, she closed the girdle with a padlock, of which she threw away the key, so that she could not find it again; she always wore a wreath of metal from which stood forth many points, piercing her head.

Her parents and relatives regarding this as extreme folly strove by every, even abusive, means to induce her to leave her practices; these were wounds the more painful as they were struck by her dearest upon earth. With the invincible power, which she drew from Jesus, her once suffering spouse, she would not leave her holy mode of life, which can only be admired, but scarcely imitated. Her daily occupations were prayer and labor, spending ten hours in work, twelve in prayer and only two in sleep.

It is very natural, that in consequence of such exceeding mortifications she would often suffer great bodily pains; scarcely ever was she free from all oppressive sufferings. When broken down and exhausted by the many and great pains, she would try to conceal it as well as possible, and she suffered everything with a patience, which seemed more angelic than human. But this amiable Rose in the garden of God could not always enjoy the consolations, with which she was overwhelmed, for, besides the astonishing sufferings of the body, she was to pass the ordeal of spiritual dryness, anguish and desertion. It can not be told how heavily these trials bore upon her. Besides the devil himself appearing to her visibly in all his hideous forms, she felt her soul all empty and overcost with an apparently impenetrable darkness. She would force the thought of a speedy death upon herself, in order to console herself, but how cruelly was she deceived? Instead of meeting consolation she was tempted to doubt the immortality of her soul; moreover, the thought of being destined to eternal hell pressed so much upon her, that she could scarcely live with it. In her undaunted faith she would in spite of all burst out in the pitiable words: "O my God, O my gracious God, why hast Thou forsaken me? O my God, how long shalt Thou yet remain irritated at me, and how long must my heart yet sigh for Thee?" It seemed all should be in vain, she was ever haunted by the same cruel thoughts in what occupation soever she would find herself. She stood the trial, and gloomy night was followed by a day so much the brighter; henceforth the grace of God, the dew of heaven, refreshed her heart, so parched by the fire of a terrible trial; now she was all buried in God and nothing could separate her from the love of Christ.

Our lovely saint could scarcely wait for the day of her dissolution; at length the day of her heavenly espousal came on. She was thirty one years of age, when she was attacked with her last illness; her limbs were all paralyzed and a painful fever brought her near to death; physicians aid availed no more; all stood amazed at seeing this living image of our suffering Saviour.

During all these pains St. Rose maintained an unspeakable peace of mind and the full use of her senses. Having received the holy Eucharist, she bade farewell to all about her and breathing the words "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus be with me" she expired on the 24th of August, 1617. After death her body assumed the beauty of a living person and a sweet smile seemed to hover about her lips. Thus she appeared a Rose after death, as she had been during life. Many authentic miracles have been wrought through her intercession. Pope Clement X. canonized her in 1671 setting apart this day for her feast. St. Rose is the first canonized saint of America.

PRAYER OF THE CHURCH. O Almighty God, Thou giver of all good, who wouldst have blessed Rose, whom Thou hast prevened with the dew of heavenly grace, to flourish, in the Indies, with the beauties of virginity and patience, grant us, Thy servants, that following the odour of her sweetness, we may deserve to become the good odour of Christ, who with Thee and the Holy Ghost liveth, &c.

Brethren: Let him that glorieth, glory in the Lord: for not he that commendeth himself, is approved; but he whom God commendeth. Would to God you could bear with some little of my folly: but do bear with me. For I am jealous of you with the jealousy of God. For I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.

GOSPEL. (Matt. xxv. 1 -13.) At That Time: Jesus spoke to his disciples this parable: The kingdom of heaven shall be like to ten virgins, who taking their lamps went out to meet the bridegroom and the bride. And five of them were foolish, and five wise. But the five foolish, having taken their lamps, did not take oil with them: but the wise took oil in their vessels with the lamps. And the bridegroom tarrying, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made: Behold, the bridegroom cometh, go ye forth to meet him. Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise: Give us of your oil, for our lamps are gone out. The wise answered, saying: Lest perhaps there be not enough for us and for you, go you rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. Now whilst they went to buy, the bridegroom came: and they that were ready, went in with him to the marriage, and the door was shut. But at last came also the other virgins, saying: Lord, Lord open to us. But he answered, saying: Amen, I say to you, I know you not. Watch ye, therefore, because you know not the day nor the hour.