The Feast of the Epiphany
by Father Francis Xavier Weninger, 1876

"We have seen His star, and are come to adore Him."--Matt, ii, 2.

The festival of the Epiphany, also called the Feast of the Holy Three Kings, is one of the most ancient feasts of the Church of God; and from the very earliest ages was celebrated with special rejoicing by the children of the Catholic Church. We find the cause for this in the fact that this feast is associated with the remembrance of the greatest graces in which the faithful in every nation of the earth rejoice,--namely, their call to the only saving faith, the holy Catholic Church.

We learn from sacred history, that in the early days of Christianity this feast was celebrated with greater solemnity even than Christmas, the birthday of our Lord himself; for as the Church exclaims in her joy on Holy Saturday: "Of what use would it be for us to be born if we had not been made partakers of the benefits of redemption?" So might we cry out: "Of what use to us would it be to possess all the goods and pleasures of the world, if the grace of being called to the true faith had not been granted to us through the mercy of God?"

The three kings with their attendants, prostrate at the feet of the Infant Jesus, were the firstlings of the heathens who acknowledged Jesus, and entered His Church. As we reflect upon the great happiness vouchsafed to them, the question forces itself upon us: "Why do not all nations likewise enjoy a participation in their happiness?" My answer is: "Because they do not look upward with the same love of truth to the star of the Magi;" and this, as I understand it, I will explain today.

O Mary, Queen of heaven and earth, Mother of the King of kings, obtain for us, from your divine Son, hearts deeply penetrated with the love of truth! I speak in the most holy name of Jesus, for the greater glory of God!

Christ, before whom the three Magi knelt, calls himself the King of Truth. He calls His kingdom, the Church, a kingdom of truth; consequently, whosoever will enter His kingdom, and find therein salvation must love truth and seek it; then he will find it, follow it, and through its influence attain salvation. It was thus that the hearts of the Magi were disposed; therefore they learned to know Jesus and the truth contained in His Church, to live in her spirit, propagate the kingdom of Christ, and at last to enter the realm of His glory.

They saw the star, knew its signification, and followed it. Why? They loved truth. Had not this been the case, the annunciation of the birth of our Saviour through the star would not have excited so much interest in them. Had they not loved truth more than the goods and pleasures of this world, which, as crowned heads, they possessed in abundance, they would not have undertaken, at the cost of so much self-sacrifice, to seek for Christ. But they were more interested in obtaining the truth of salvation, in beholding the coming Teacher of nations, in learning to honor and adore Him, than in all the treasures of the world. Their resolution to search for Him was sublimely heroic.

If their eagerness for knowledge of heavenly things had not existed to so great a degree in their hearts, they might have thought within themselves: "It is well that He is born; He will surely arrange to come to us to teach us, or He will send some one else in His place. Besides, He is still a child, and can not converse with us, wherefore, then, should we undertake a journey connected with so many difficulties, and, perhaps, expose ourselves to the derision and mockery of the people of Jerusalem, to whom, it may be, the star did not appear?" All these circumstances, however, were of no weight with the three Magi, in whom eager desire and ardent love overpowered all other considerations, and they entered upon their journey.

The three sages searched for truth with assiduity and fearlessness. "Where is He who is to be born the King of the Jews?" Thus they inquired, full of confidence that their search would be rewarded, let the population of Jerusalem think what they would; let them mock and ridicule; did they but know the name of the place where the Messiah was to be born, according to the declaration of the prophets, they would find the way thereto, even if they could gain no companions for the journey, which it would seem was eventually the case, as they left Jerusalem alone. The star again appeared, and remained over the place wherein Mary abode with the child. They fall down before the divine Infant, and oh! with what joyful sentiments of adoration, love, and gratitude do they offer Him their homage! But, on the other hand, how graciously did the new-born babe bless them, and replenish their hearts with the power and unction of His grace; how did it strengthen them in their resolution to follow His inspirations, to live and die for Him, and to spread His kingdom among their people all over the earth!

The three Magi searched for the truth, found it, and returned, obedient to the admonition of an angel, by another road to their respective homes, thus to escape the snares of Herod, and to fulfill the will of God. It was thus, that these first fruits of faith in countries over which the dark cloud of heathenism still rested, gave the example unto all the children of men, how to know Christ and to enter heaven. And what is the reason that, up to this time, this was not done in such a manner as the mercy of God intended, for the evils of all mankind?

I answer by the assertion that love for truth is, in general, rare among men. They love darkness better than light,--delusion, which flatters them, more than the truth, which points to the exercise of duty, which teaches the spirit of Christian self-denial, which inspires contempt of human consideration, united with that fidelity which assures for us perseverance unto the end.

The gospel for today affirms that Herod, and with him all Jerusalem, was terrified at the message of the three Magi, that the Saviour, the King and Deliverer of the human race, was born. Herod was afraid, and trembled lest he should lose his throne. The scribes and Pharisees also, those whitened sepulchers of evil, as Christ called them, instead of rejoicing, were filled with alarm; for they felt, and truly, that the promised Messiah would penetrate their interior, and censure their hypocrisy and malice.

The people principally imitate those who have the power to govern or command them, and generally yield to the stronger will of men whose knowledge is superior to their own. They also felt disappointed, because they expected an earthly Messiah, who would elevate them to be the mightiest nation in the world, and endow them with all temporal advantages, riches, and pleasures. Yet now they hear He has entered this world without His advent being perceived, and, whilst the scribes remain in entire ignorance of His birth, men in the East are said to have seen His star, which nevertheless was not beheld by a single person in Jerusalem.

Love for truth was lacking in those who thus expressed themselves, and, therefore, they remained incredulous and indifferent, and did not even trouble themselves so far as to guide or direct the Magi to the vicinity of Bethlehem; nay, they probably regarded them as visionaries and dreamers. Behold here, as in a mirror, the character of the infidel, especially of those who, with premeditation, become infidels,--who, although born of Catholic parents, and brought up in the Church of God, later on, play the infidel, and pretend to waver in faith.

Such do not love truth, but the desire of their hearts is to find out what might make them rich and happy in this world. As regards their duties towards God--that is, with respect to religion--the generality of men are satisfied to live and die in that belief in which they were born, and do not inquire whether their religion is really the true religion.

Yes, a great portion, particularly of the so-called learned men, are afraid to recognize the truth, that they may not feel urged to confess and live according to its precepts. And, since they know that the word of truth condemns their sinful actions, and threatens them with terrible chastisements from God, they hate it, and wish that they could totally extirpate the kingdom of Christ on earth. If they, at times, arrive at the conviction that all their endeavors in this regard are Fruitless,--and if, at certain times, the voice of conscience whispers loudly that the threatenings of the Lord might one day be verified in them on account of their infidelity, then, in secret, like Herod, they tremble, and a fear, which for the time can not be stilled, fastens upon their souls.

Certainly they endeavor to appear, with all this, entirely different from what they are, and, therefore, become hypocrites, as Herod was. They assume the appearance of respecting God and His commands, Christ and His doctrines, but their actions do not correspond with their demeanor, for they persecute the Church with the direct intention to destroy her. Thereat they are filled with the suspicion which terrified the heart of Herod, that the Church would be dangerous to their plans. This is especially the case with rulers of the present day and with infidel politicians, although the experiences of the nineteenth century should long ago have opened their eyes, and forced them to see that the Holy Church not alone in spiritual, but in temporal affairs, exercises a most beneficial influence upon the state. They think to conquer by their cunning, just as Herod thought, but God's providence brings them to disgrace. I point especially to one propensity in the character of Herod, a fit type of this worthy class. He became a tyrant, and committed infanticide.

This also resembles, especially in our days, the conduct of the enemies of the truths of faith. Such men, if they succeed in grasping the reins of government, proceed to persecution, and as they are endowed with an evil prudence, they recognize that nothing can promote their ideas better than to pervert the Catholic youth to their dangerous ideas, and seek to destroy in their hearts the life of holy faith. Therefore their solicitude to impede the influence of the Church in the education of youth, with which that infanticide, of which Herod was guilty, is not to be compared.

Herod benefited the souls of the Holy Innocents against their will, whilst the Herods in our days corrupt the youth and destroy their souls. What crime! Therefore, children of the Church, thank God for your call to the only true Church--to the holy faith! Like the Magi, love the truth with all sincerity of heart. This disposition of heart is a pledge of victory over Lucifer, the "liar from the beginning." Hold every-where and always to this maxim of life: " Defend truth, and it will defend you and save you through Jesus Christ, the incarnate truth."--Amen!

"They offered Him gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh."--Matt, ii, 11.

After the three Magi had first knelt in adoration and paid their homage to the new-born King of kings, they opened their treasures; and, according to Holy Writ, offered Him the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

At the annual recurrence of this feast, beloved in Christ, the meditation upon its mystery points to three circumstances which principally and powerfully attract our attention, namely: the star, the Infant (to whom it led), the three Magi, and the nature of their offering. Each of these three circumstances has its deep significance; and this year we shall especially consider the gifts of the three Magi, and the nature of their offering.

This consideration, beyond doubt, deserves a particular place, since the feast itself signifies the call of all nations to the Church of Christ. This call, which is most intimately connected with the salvation of our souls, pre-supposes that we have not only the happiness of being exteriorly called to the true Church of Christ, but that we also, as her faithful children, live truly in the spirit which animates her. But that our lives, as Catholics, may be indeed modeled according to the Church, the character of the gifts must be expressed in our Christian conduct. I will prove this today, and that through the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, which symbolize the virtues which we must practise.

O Mary, you who, with the warmest feelings of thanks, accepted the gifts which the three Magi offered to your Divine Child, look graciously upon that which we are resolved ,to offer to Him. I speak in the most holy name of Jesus, for the greater glory of God!

The general signification of the feast which we celebrate today is well known to us, as also its importance for the salvation of our souls, because of our call to the true faith. Let us, therefore, from the depths of our grateful hearts, pour forth our ardent thanks for this priceless benefit, which has been granted to us in preference to millions and millions; yes, we have been called to the only true and saving faith before those nations whose people, during the long course of centuries, have lived and died in the darkness of error. But let us not forget the warning of the Lord. "From him to whom much has been given much will be required."

And do not let us forget, beloved in Christ, that St. James cries out to us: "You believe: the devil believes, too; but show your faith by your works." Christ assures us: "That the children of the house shall be cast out into extreme darkness." From this it is evident that we must not only believe, but also live according to the faith; and such a life, I will not conceal from you, must bear the character of sacrifice, as every thing in the whole order of salvation clearly proves. It was decreed, by the eternal God, that man was to be redeemed and saved; and this by the bitter sacrifice which Jesus, the Incarnate Son of God, offered. His whole life bore the character of sacrifice, and He terminated it by the sacrificial death of the cross.

He offered it already on the eve of His passion, at the Last Supper, in an unbloody manner, to His heavenly Father; and so instituted the Sacrifice of the New Law, which characterizes and includes the entire divine service of Holy Church. Sacrifice, considered in general, is the highest act of divine worship, as is shown by its usage even among the heathens. So much the more necessary, then, is it, that, in the New Law, divine worship must leave its impress and character in the life of every child of God, in imitation of our Lord and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

Those whom God has predestined to glory, He has also chosen to become like unto our Lord and Saviour, as we are most expressly assured by the Apostle of the Gentiles. The character of the life of Jesus was essentially one of sacrifice. He cries out to all mankind: "He who will follow Me, let him take up his cross and deny himself," which signifies that our whole life must be one of self-denial, and, therefore, of constant sacrifice. It is of the utmost importance, therefore, that we be thoroughly penetrated by this truth. The spirit of the Gospel is arrayed in opposition to that of the world; and the character of the life of a worldling to that of a true Christian.

The character of the worldling is to enjoy himself in the fullest sense of the word; to plunge recklessly into pleasures' giddy maze; to satisfy every desire; to accomplish all his projects. This is the creed of the child of the world; while St. Paul, on the contrary, cries out to us, in a far different spirit: "Those who belong to Christ have crucified their flesh with its evil desires." They are living burnt-offerings of the Lord, and their rule of life may be summed up in the following words: "Lord, I am Thine, with all that I am and I have; all is dedicated and offered for Thy greater glory."

It must be so, and can not be otherwise; for we can serve God only in the spirit of self-denial and self-immolation, since, by the fall of our first parents, the law of the flesh and concupiscence have been firmly implanted in our members in opposition to the law of the Spirit. Therefore, since all who desire to belong to Christ have to live in this spirit of sacrifice, St. Peter calls the Christians, "A priestly people"; and those who finish their lives in this spirit will one day rejoice in heaven; for St. John declares: "Thou hast made of us kings and priests."

But if, in the second place, you inquire what are really the most proper and special gifts which, as children of the Church we are bound to offer, they are symbolized by the gifts of the three holy kings. They offered to the Infant Jesus: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. I apply these gifts to our understanding, will, and heart, which are dedicated to God, and offered through our faith, as children of the Church, through our hope and our love.

This oblation of the life of a true Christian possesses, indeed, and that in the highest degree, the qualities which characterize a sacrifice in the service of God as an oblation of praise, thanksgiving, and expiation. I prove this through the following remarks: Man is, according to his nature, intellect, will, and heart.

The intellect is the power of the soul, by which we know the reality of things, and the relation which they bear toward one another. This faculty of the soul man offers to his God and Creator through holy faith; for holy faith places before him the truths which are above his comprehension. He believes them to be true only in consideration of the infallible truth, which is God Himself speaking to us by the mouth of the infallible Church. He believes these revealed truths, although they contradict the senses, and man should, by force of intellect, be utterly unable to penetrate them, or to prove them. This act, therefore, is an oblation of the intellect, and a magnificent and precious oblation it is. It is by faith, among other acts, that we honor God--the genuine coin or test-metal between true and false currency.

The will of man is, according to its nature, free. Naturally its desires tend toward the possession and enjoyment of that which is earthly; but the power of holy hope imparts to it the wish to aim after "the things which are above." It draws man gently on to the resolution to yield his will to nothing whatsoever which is of "the earth, earthly"; but only to fulfill the will of God, who will reward our obedience and our fidelity with eternal bliss. This oblation is symbolized by the frankincense, whose sweet odor ascends toward heaven.

Our hearts feel and love, and naturally incline, toward creatures--toward other hearts. The power of love toward God effects that man loves God above all things,--every thing else he loves only in God and for God; and, that he may one day rejoice in the eternal possession of God, he joyfully resolves, in the fervor of his love, to sacrifice every thing in this world to overcome all difficulties which are an obstacle to the love of God. Yes, in the heat of this love, he desires even to sever the closest and tenderest bonds of friendship and nature.

This oblation is symbolized by myrrh, for no one is able to lead such a life without feeling, in regard to earthly things, and in the combat of the interior, the bitterness of self-sacrifice.

In this disposition, the faithful, hoping, and loving soul praises and thanks God unceasingly by her life, which is dedicated and immolated to the Lord. Well may we rejoice if we in truth have a right to declare before Christ, with St. Ignatius: "Take, O Lord, all my liberty, my intellect, my memory, and my entire will. All that I am and that I have, I have from Thee. I give and offer it all to Thee again. Give me only Thy love and Thy grace, and I am rich enough."

Such is the gold, the frankincense, and the myrrh of our dedication and oblation to Him, the Triune God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!

Devout Exercise to the Infant Jesus

V. Incline unto my aid, O God.
R. O Lord, make haste to help me.
V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
R. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Our Father etc.

1. Jesus, sweetest Child, Who, coming down from the bosom of the Father for our salvation, did not disdain the womb of a Virgin, where, conceived by the Holy Ghost, You, the Word incarnate, took upon Yourself the form of a servant, have mercy on us!

R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us! Hail Mary etc.

2. Jesus, sweetest Child, Who in Your Virgin Mother's womb, visited St. Elizabeth, and filled Your precursor, John the Baptist, with the Holy Ghost, sanctifying him from his Mother's womb, have mercy on us!

R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us! Hail Mary etc.

3. Jesus, sweetest Child, during nine months hidden in Your Mother's womb, and awaited with eager expectation by the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph, and by them offered to God the Father, for the salvation of the world, have mercy on us!

R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us! Hail Mary etc.

4. Jesus, sweetest Child, born in Bethlehem of the Virgin Mary, wrapped in swaddling clothes, laid in a manger, heralded by angels, visited by shepherds, have mercy on us!

R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us! Hail Mary etc.

O Jesus, born of Virgin bright,
Infinite glory be to You!
Praise to the Father infinite,
And Holy Ghost eternally. Amen.

V. Christ is at hand.
R. Come, let us adore Him.
Our Father etc.

5. Jesus, sweetest Child, wounded in the circumcision on the eighth day, called by the glorious name of Jesus, and, by Your name and by Your blood, foreshown as the Savior of the world, have mercy on us!

R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us! Hail Mary etc.

6. Jesus, sweetest Child, made known to the holy Magi by a star, adored by them on Mary's bosom, honored with the mystical gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, have mercy on us!

R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us! Hail Mary etc.

7. Jesus, sweetest Child, presented in the temple by Your Virgin Mother, taken by Simeon into his arms, and embraced, and made known to Israel by Anna the prophetess, have mercy on us!

R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us! Hail Mary etc.

8. Jesus, sweetest Child, Whom Herod sought to slay, Whom St. Joseph carried with Mary into Egypt, Who was saved by flight from a cruel death, and glorified by the praises of the Holy Innocents, have mercy on us!

R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us! Hail Mary etc.

O Jesus, born of Virgin bright,
Infinite glory be to You!
Praise to the Father infinite,
And Holy Ghost eternally. Amen.

V. Christ is at hand.
R. Come, let us adore Him.
Our Father etc.

9. Jesus, sweetest Child, Who, with Mary most holy and the Patriarch St. Joseph, dwelt in Egypt until the death of Herod, have mercy on us!

R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us! Hail Mary etc.

10. Jesus, sweetest Child, Who returned with Your parents from Egypt into the land of Israel, Who suffered many toils by the way, and entered the city of Nazareth, have mercy on us!

R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us! Hail Mary etc.

11. Jesus, sweetest Child, Who lived most holily in the blessed house of Nazareth, subject to Your parents, spending Your life in poverty and toil, and growing in wisdom, in age, and in grace, have mercy on us!

R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us! Hail Mary etc.

12. Jesus, sweetest Child, brought to Jerusalem when twelve years old, sought by Your parents with much sorrow and after three days found, to their great joy, among the doctors, have mercy on us!

R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us! Hail Mary etc.

O Jesus, born of Virgin bright,
Infinite glory be to You!
Praise to the Father infinite,
And Holy Ghost eternally. Amen.

V. Christ is at hand.
R. Come, let us adore Him.
Our Father.

For the Nativity, during its Octave, and throughout the year.

V. The Word was made flesh. Alleluia.
R. And dwelt among us. Alleluia.
(Throughout the year the Alleluia is omitted.)

For the Epiphany and during its Octave.

V. Christ manifested Himself to us. Alleluia.
R. Come, let us adore Him. Alleluia.

Let us Pray:

Almighty and everlasting God, Lord of heaven and earth, Who reveal Yourself to little ones, grant us, we beseech You, to honor worthily the holy mysteries of Your Son, the Child Jesus, and to follow Him humbly in our life, so that we may come to the eternal kingdom promised by You to little ones. Through the same Jesus Christ, etc. Amen.

To all who perform this exercise with a
contrite heart, an indulgence of 5 years.


Prayer: Christ's Manifestation

O Divine Jesus! who wast adored by the wise men coming from the east, I adore thee here present in the august sacrament of the altar. Thou didst enlighten the Gentiles by the appearance of a star. Thou didst draw them to Thy sacred feet, and didst receive their lowest homages, and devout presents, when, falling down, they adored and offered to Thee their gifts,--gold, frankincense, and myrrh. But, what is this to the grace of the holy Eucharist! Thou art born, not once only, but every day;--not in one place only, but in an infinity of places. We need not pass the seas nor the deserts, nor need we undertake long and perilous journeys, to find Thee, and adore Thee. Thou Thyself descendest from heaven to be present with us, and to search after us.

The wise men by a star obeyed the call, and Thou comest at the priest's pronouncing the words of consecration. O excess of love and charity! It is but just, I should, O Jesus! imitate the faith of these holy princes, and offer Thee as presents, the gold of pure love, the incense of fervent adoration, and the myrrh of continual mortification and penance. Alas! my God, and my all! I have nothing--I am nothing of myself. Do Thou then, give me wherewithal to offer to thee. It is Thou, O divine wisdom! who givest the gold of charity purified by fire;--it is Thou, the true high priest, who dost offer the most sweet smelling incense; and as a victim, the myrrh of a most excellent sacrifice. From Thee alone can I have, and of Thee alone do I ask these heavenly gifts; O may Thy bounty bestow them upon me!

The Epiphany of Our Lord
by Dom Prosper Gueranger, 1870

The Feast of the Epiphany is the continuation of the mystery of Christmas; but it appears on the Calendar of the Church with its own special character. Its very name, which signifies Manifestation, implies that it celebrates the apparition of God to His creatures.

For several centuries, the Nativity of our Lord was kept on this day; and when, in the year 376, the decree of the Holy See obliged all Churches to keep the Nativity on the 25th December, as Rome did--the Sixth of January was not robbed of all its ancient glory. It was still to be called the Epiphany, and the Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ was also commemorated on this same Feast, which Tradition had marked as the day on which that Baptism took place. Lastly, this Feast is called, in many countries, King's Feast: it is, of course, an allusion to the Magi, whose journey to Bethlehem is so continually mentioned in today's Office.

The Epiphany shares with the Feasts of Christmas, Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost, the honor of being called, in the Canon of the Mass, a Day most holy. It is also one of the cardinal Feasts, that is, one of those on which the arrangement of the Christian Year is based; for, as we have Sundays after Easter, and Sundays after Pentecost, so also we count six Sundays after the Epiphany.

The Epiphany is indeed a great Feast, and the joy caused us by the Birth of our Jesus must be renewed on it, for, as though it were a second Christmas Day, it shows us our Incarnate God in a new light. It leaves us all the sweetness of the dear Babe of Bethlehem, who hath appeared to us already in love; but to this it adds its own grand manifestation of the divinity of our Jesus. At Christmas, it was a few Shepherds that were invited by the Angels to go and recognize The Word Made Flesh; but now, at the Epiphany, the voice of God Himself calls the whole world to adore this Jesus, and hear Him.

The mystery of the Epiphany brings upon us three magnificent rays of the Sun of Justice, our Savior. In the calendar of pagan Rome, this sixth day of January was devoted to the celebration of a triple triumph of Augustus, the founder of the Roman Empire: but when Jesus, our Prince of peace, whose empire knows no limits, had secured victory to His Church by the blood of the Martyrs--then did this His Church decree, that a triple triumph of the Immortal King should be substituted, in the Christian Calendar, for those other three triumphs which had been won by the adopted son of Caesar.

The Sixth of January, therefore, restored the celebration of our Lord's Birth to the Twenty-Fifth of December; but, in return, there were united in the one same Epiphany, three manifestations of Jesus' glory: the mystery of the Magi coming from the East, under the guidance of a star, and adoring the Infant of Bethlehem as the divine King; the mystery of the Baptism of Christ, who, whilst standing in the waters of the Jordan, was proclaimed by the Eternal Father as Son of God; and thirdly, the mystery of the divine power of this same Jesus, when He changed the water into wine at the marriage-feast of Cana.

We propose to treat of the three mysteries, united in this great Solemnity, in the following order. Today, we will unite with the Church in honoring all three; during the Octave, we will contemplate the Mystery of the Magi coming to Bethlehem; we will celebrate the Baptism of our Savior on the Octave Day; and we will venerate the Mystery of the Marriage of Cana on the Second Sunday after the Epiphany, which is the day appropriately chosen by the Church for the Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus.

Let us, then, open our hearts to the joy of this grand Day; and on this Feast of the Theophany, of the Holy Lights, of the Three Kings, let us look with love at the dazzling beauty of our Divine Sun, who, as the Psalmist expresses it, runs his course as a Giant, and pours out upon us floods of a welcome and yet most vivid light. The Shepherds, who were called by the Angels to be the first worshippers, have been joined by the Prince of Martyrs, the Beloved Disciple, the dear troop of Innocents, our glorious Thomas of Canterbury, and Sylvester the patriarch of Peace; and now, today, these Saints open their ranks to let the Kings of the East come to the Babe in His crib, bearing with them the prayers and adorations of the whole human race. The humble stable is too little for such a gathering as this, and Bethlehem seems to be worth all the world besides. Mary, the Throne of the divine Wisdom, welcomes all the members of this court with her gracious smile of Mother and Queen; she offers her Son to man, for His adoration, and to God, that He may be well pleased. God manifests Himself to men, because He is great; but He manifests Himself by Mary, because He is full of mercy.

But let us return to the triumph of our sweet Savior and King. His magnificence is manifested to us so brightly on this Feast! Our mother, the Church, is going to initiate us into the mysteries we are to celebrate. Let us imitate the faith and obedience of the Magi: let us adore, with the holy Baptist, the divine Lamb, over whom the heavens open: let us take our place at the mystic feast of Cana, where our dear King is present, thrice manifested, thrice glorified. In the last two mysteries, let us not lose sight of the Babe of Bethlehem; and in the Babe of Bethlehem let us cease not to recognize the Great God, (in whom the Father was well-pleased,) and the supreme Ruler and Creator of all things.

Psalm 116

O praise the Lord, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people. For His mercy is confirmed upon us: and the truth of the Lord remaineth forever.

The holy Church--after having thus celebrated the power given to the Divine Babe over kings, whom He shall break, in the day of His wrath; His covenant with the Gentiles, whom He will give as an inheritance to His Church; the light that is risen up in darkness; His Name blessed from the rising to the setting of the sun; and after having, on this the day of the Vocation of the Gentiles, invited all nations, and all people, to praise the eternal mercy and truth of God;--addresses herself to Jerusalem, the figure of the Church, and conjures her, by the Prophet Isaias, to take advantage of the Light, which has this day risen upon the whole human race.

Isaias (LX)

Arise, be enlightened, O Jerusalem, for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.

Hymn: Crudelis Herodes, Deum

Why impious Herod, vainly fear
That Christ the Saviour cometh here?
He takes no earthly realms away
Who gives the crown that lasts for aye.

To greet His birth, the Wise Men went,
Led by the star before them sent;
Called on by light, towards Light they pressed,
And by their gifts their God confessed.

In holy Jordan's purest wave
The heavenly Lamb vouchsafed to lave;
That He, to whom was sin unknown,
Might cleanse His people from their own.

New miracle of power divine!
The water reddens into wine:
He spake the word: and poured the wave
In other streams than nature gave.

All glory, Lord, to Thee we pay
For Thine Epiphany today:
All glory, as is ever meet,
To Father and to Paraclete.