![]() Feast Day: November 20th (by Father Francis Xavier Weninger, 1876)
St. Felix, of the royal house of Valois, was born in France, in 1127, and manifested in his earliest childhood great compassion towards the poor. While yet in the arms of his nurse, no greater pleasure could be given him than to allow him to bestow alms on the needy. When older, he sent the best dishes from his table to the poor; and it happened more than once, that he gave his own cloak to some beggar, because he happened not to have anything else at hand. He once implored mercy and life for a condemned criminal, who, he said, was destined to become a great saint; and the event justified the prediction. Having passed his youth in acquiring knowledge, and in the practice of virtue, Felix resolved to serve the Almighty in retirement and solitude. He first, however, took holy orders, so as to deprive himself of all hope of ever attaining the crown, from which, by his birth, he was not far removed. After having said his first Mass, he went into a desert, where he led a very austere life, which was made extremely sweet to him by divine consolations; so that he intended to spend his whole life, unknown, in that lonely place. But the Almighty, who had chosen him for greater work, sent to him a noble young doctor from Paris, named John of Matha, who had also been ordained priest, and who desired to walk in the path of perfection under his direction. St. Felix received him with great pleasure; for he perceived in the candidate great inclination to virtue. They had lived harmoniously together, in great piety, for three years, when, one day, while they were sitting beside a well, in devout discourse, a stag, bearing a blue and red cross between its antlers, came suddenly forth from the bushes. St. Felix, greatly amazed, knew not what to say; but John made use of the occasion to relate a vision which he had had while saying his first holy Mass, and which was vividly recalled to his memory by the appearance of this stag.
PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS.Both saints sank upon their knees and prayed that they might be favored to recognize more clearly the will of God. Heaven inspired both with an intense desire to labor for the ransom of those prisoners who languished under the yoke of the Turks and other barbarians, and thus save many from the danger of renouncing their faith, and going to eternal ruin. Both were admonished three times during their sleep to found a special order for this end, and to request, at Rome, the necessary permission. Innocent III., who sat at that time on the papal throne, was greatly pleased with such holy intentions, but desired to confer on the subject with some learned men, and consult the will of the Almighty in prayer. During holy Mass the Pope saw the same vision which had been shown to St John of Matha, during his first Mass, as we related. On the 8th of February, putting away all doubt, Innocent approved the plan of the new "Order of the Most Holy Trinity, for the Redemption of Captives," and invested the two holy founders with the habit. The first monastery was founded in the diocese of Meaux, by means of ample donations from charitable persons whom God had moved to favor the undertaking; whilst others eagerly flocked to the monastery, as soon as it was completed, to devote their lives to the noble work of ransoming their captive brethren. When this happy beginning had been made, St. John again set out for Rome, leaving the government of the house to St. Felix, who, by word and example, led those under him in the path of religious perfection. He represented to them, with special energy, the many and fearful dangers of those Christians who were slaves among the barbarians, as many of them forsook the Christian faith, either from fear of greater misery, or in the hope of regaining their liberty. The same representations he made to the laity in his sermons; and thus, after having awakened in the hearts of his religious a great desire to relieve the captives, he also induced the laity to contribute liberally to their ransom. With the funds thus collected, the religious of the new order sailed to Africa, where they knew that the Christians were imprisoned. They bought them from the infidels, liberated them from slavery, and saved them, not only from temporal misery, but, what was of much greater importance, from the imminent danger of going to eternal ruin. It is easy to conceive that the disciples of St. Felix, in this holy work, had to combat with many and great dangers, and also to endure numberless sufferings and hardships. But they were so inflamed by their holy Master with love for God and their neighbor, that they feared neither danger nor dishonor, nor even death. All this gave great comfort to St. Felix, as he considered that, in this manner, many souls were saved for eternity. The holy man received great favors from heaven, among which may be counted the vision which he had, in the night preceding the festival of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. He went, according to his custom, an hour earlier than the rest to the choir, in order to pray. On arriving there, he saw the divine Mother, surrounded by a great many angels. Going towards them, he fell into ecstasy, and with them sang the praises of the Almighty; when one of them told him that he would soon be called into heaven to sing eternally the glory of the Almighty. Felix, greatly rejoicing, called his disciples to him, admonished them most earnestly to remain constant in their devotion to the captives; and, after receiving the holy Sacraments, gave his soul calmly into the hands of his Maker, in the eighty-fifth year of his age. ![]() St. Columban, Abbot Ireland was the native place of Abbot Columban, celebrated for his holiness. Shortly before he was born, his mother dreamed that a bright sun emanated from her, which sent its rays through the whole land. Eminent men, to whom she related this dream, looked upon it as a sign that her child would attain to great holiness. Columban manifested, with the first dawn of reason, an inclination to virtue, and a desire to acquire knowledge, very unusual for his tender age. God had endowed him with a very retentive memory, great intelligence and a strong impulse to great things. Besides this, he was of comely appearance, which placed him in danger when he arrived at manhood. To escape this, as also to serve the Lord more faithfully, he resolved, while still very young, to leave the world, and, either in a desert or in the cloister, to work for the salvation of his soul. This plan he soon carried into effect, although his mother was deeply grieved at parting with him. He went first to a hermit, who had gained great fame by the holiness of his life; and then into a monastery, where he passed several years in the practice of virtue; during which time he also made great progress in the study of theology. The Almighty, who had appointed him to become the teacher and apostle of many others, inspired him, in the course of time, to go, with some other holy men, to France; and to live and labor there as heaven might appoint. He imparted this desire to his Abbot, who, though loath to part with him, yet bade him obey the divine inspiration without delay. Hence, St. Columban and twelve other religious set sail for France, where they were very graciously received by King Siegbert or by Chilperic, who entertained them most liberally, until they had found a quiet spot wherein to make their dwelling. Columban found at length, in the forests of the Vosges, a place called Anegrai, where he erected a small church in honor of St. Peter, and around it some huts for himself and his companions. Here they lived, far from the distractions of the world, zealous in serving the Most High. Before much time had passed, the fame of Columban's holiness and that of his companions, resounded all over the land; and many who came to visit the Saint, were so much pleased with his devout discourses, that, forsaking all temporal things, they remained to live under his direction. The number of these became in a short time so great that the Saint erected a monastery, called Luxeu, which became very celebrated. Some years later, the Saint built yet another, as his disciples increased in such a manner that Luxeu could not contain them all. This third monastery was called Fontaines, as it was erected near a spring. The Saint used to retire into some deep forest, before great festivals, to devote several days, with more recollection than was possible in the convent, to prayer and meditation on the divine mysteries. One day, when he was seeking a place suitable for this purpose, he found a dark cavern, the entrance to which was very narrow. He crept in, and saw a large bear that had made its dwelling there, and that looked at him fiercely. Columban went fearlessly up to the beast, and commanded it, in the name of the Lord to depart and seek another shelter. The animal obeyed, and left the cave, which from that time became Columban's retreat. The Almighty, to refresh His servant, caused a spring to issue from the rocks, the water of which was pure and clear as crystal. Meanwhile, the holiness of Columban became known, not only in France, but also in other countries, and the most distinguished men came from all parts to visit him and commend themselves to his prayers. Among these was Theodoric, king of Burgundy. Columban received him with great kindness, but knowing the dissolute life which the king led, he exhorted him to treat his queen with the love and esteem due to her, and to dismiss his concubine; adding, that otherwise he would soon lose crown and sceptre for himself and his children. The king, taking this admonition to heart, seemed willing to reform; but Brunehault, his ambitious grandmother, fearing that she would lose her influence in the administration, if the king occupied himself more with the affairs of the State, endeavored to retain him in his bad habits. She feared and hated the holy Abbot, and not only calumniated him to the king, but rested not until Theodoric, with the soldiers of his army, took the Saint from the monastery which he had governed for twenty years, and drove him out of the country. The Saint, after this unjust banishment, went to Besancon, where, by many miracles, he made himself greatly esteemed. Some time after he secretly returned to his convent; but the wicked Brunehault no sooner heard of it than she induced the king to banish the holy man again, and to threaten him with death if he returned. The soldiers who had to execute this order, stormed the convent, but returned without the Saint, as they had not recognized him, although he had stood before them, among the other religious. Columban, fearing that the wrath of the king would fall upon the entire community, departed, and went to Lorraine, where Clothaire, the king, received him kindly, leaving it to him to select a place for his dwelling. Columban, however, did not accept this favor, fearing to arouse the wrath of Theodoric against Clothaire; and continued his journey into Lombardy. Along the whole route up the Rhine and along the lake of Zurich, Columban, with his companions, like true apostles, preached the word of Christ. He proceeded as far as Milan, where he bravely defended the true faith against the Arians. During his sojourn in this city, he learned that on the mountain range, near the River Po, were standing the ruins of a once celebrated church; and that the place would be most suitable for the erection of a monastery. With the permission of the king, he rebuilt the church, and near it erected a large monastery, which in a short time was filled with zealous servants of the Lord. The holy man continued here the same holy life which had so distinguished him in other places. At last, the Almighty was pleased to call His faithful and unwearied servant, by a happy death, to his eternal reward. St. Columban ended his earthly career in the last of his foundations, which was called the monastery of Bobio. The Lord glorified him, both before and after his death, by many and great miracles. In conclusion we must not omit to state the unhappy end of the persecutors of St. Columban. Before the Saint was banished the country, he uttered the following prophecy: "Before three years shall have elapsed, Theodoric, with all his children, will die an unhappy death, and king Clothaire will wear the crown." As he had said, so it happened; for Theodoric died at Metz, in Lorraine, without a sign of repentance. Some say that he was struck by lightning; others, that he was poisoned, at the instigation of the wicked Brunehault. Clothaire took the six sons of Theodoric, prisoners, and killed them with his own hands. Brunehault, the author of all the persecutions of the holy man, and of all the horrible deeds of the king, was mounted on an ass; and, to the derision of the people, she was thus led through the city; after which, she was tied to the tail of a wild horse, and dragged till she was dead. None of the spectators showed her any pity, as it was known to all that the misery which had befallen the whole land, was her work. They praised the justice of the Almighty, who, though sometimes slow in punishing the wicked, overtakes them at last; and whose punishment is the more severe, the longer it has been delayed.
I. St. Columban goes into the desert, the better to serve the Almighty; the same was done by St. Felix. Before festivals, St. Columban leaves his monastery, retires into a mountain-cave to pray and meditate more undisturbed. I do not request of you to leave house and home, and conceal yourself in a cavern to serve your Lord; but let me tell you what several holy Fathers advise every one to do. A man, who earnestly desires to save his soul, must sometimes retire, for a short period, from all his cares and business, and thus, so to speak, go into a spiritual solitude. King David did this at night: because, during the day, he was occupied with the affairs of the State. "And I meditated in the night with my own heart" (Ps. lxxvi.). Christ also taught us this by His own example; for He retired sometimes from the people whom He instructed, and went up into a mountain to pray; He also called His disciples from their work, to rest for a while in the desert.
This was done to teach us to lay all business aside, at times, and occupy ourselves with our salvation only. Sundays and Holydays, or the end of the month are the best times for this. Take an hour at home or in the church, and shutting out all other thought, look into the state of your soul. Ask yourself whether and how you have served God in your station, and what you have done for your salvation; what might keep you from heaven and what might help you to gain it. Pray for pardon for your sins, and make new resolutions as to your future course of life. This kind of spiritual retreat all can make. The Almighty, who has promised to speak in solitude to your heart, will surely make known to you what you should do and what avoid in order to gain salvation. Believe me, the short hour passed in such a manner, will bring you more benefit and comfort than a thousand other hours or days which you spend in idle amusement and in which, perhaps, you offend the Lord. II. St. Felix labored long and hard to save the poor Christian captives from the danger of eternal damnation in which they were while among the infidels. Perhaps among those who are under you, or among your friends or relatives, there is some one whom you know to be in danger of eternal damnation. Consider whether you can extricate him from this danger, and go to work without delay. Before all, examine your own soul, and see whether it is not in similar danger, and if so, rescue it immediately. "Whoever will give alms in the right manner, " says St. Chrysostom, "must begin with himself, and first give to himself." For, to give alms, is to be charitable, and is a work of charity: but it is written: "Have pity on your own soul, that you may please the Lord." You are perhaps in a proximate occasion of sin; you have a sinful affection, or a dangerous friendship; your conscience is burdened with some sin, which you perhaps conceal in your confession, out of shame; or you have evil habits, which you do not earnestly endeavor to correct. If this be the case, your soul is in evident danger of eternal ruin. Ah! endeavor to save it without delay from so terrible a danger. Think that it is your own soul, and that the loss of it will be your own loss; and hasten to help it. Delay is fraught with danger. "I pray you," says St. Peter Damian, " by the love of Jesus, do not deceive yourself, do not delay; that you may not ruin your soul by procrastination; lest some unforeseen accident lay you low, or a sudden death take you away, and hell devour you." "Why do you wish to wait for tomorrow? " asks St. Ambrose, "you can gain the present day. Take care lest in losing today, you do not gain the morrow. The loss of one single hour may be of eternal injury to you." _______________________________ Prayer to St. Columban
O blessed Columbanus,
who, in thy zeal for the extension of Christ's kingdom and the salvation of souls, didst spend thy life in suffering and exile, assist and protect, we humbly implore thee, the missionaries of our day, who devoted their lives to preaching the Gospel throughout the world. Obtain for them, we beseech thee, that prudence and fortitude, by which thou didst overcome the dangers which beset thy path, and that first faith and ardent charity which enabled thee to endure gladly the privations of this life, for the love of Christ. Assist and protect us also, dear Saint Columbanus, so to live for God's glory, that when our pilgrimage through life is over, we may enjoy with thee the eternal rest of heaven: Through Christ our
Lord. Amen
(An Indulgence of 300 days.)Prayer to St. Felix of Valois
Felix, happy lover of charity, teach us the worth, and also the nature, of this queen of virtues. It was she that attracted thee into solitude in pursuit of her divine Object; and when thou hadst learnt to find God in Himself, she showed Him to thee and taught thee to love Him in thy brethren. Is not this the secret which makes love become strong as death, and daring enough, as in the case of thy sons, to defy hell itself? May this love inspire us with every sort of devotedness; may it ever remain the excellent portion of thy holy Order, leading it to adapt itself to every new requirement, in a society where the worst kind of slavery, under a thousand forms, reigns supreme.
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