![]() The Second Conversion of Saint Teresa St. Teresa of Avila, Virgin (by Father Francis Xavier Weninger, 1876)
St.Teresa, so greatly gifted by the Almighty, was born in 1515, at Avila, in Spain, of not less pious than noble parents. Among other devout exercises, her parents were accustomed frequently to read pious books, and their daughter was taught to do the same as soon as she was able to read. Teresa soon became so much attached to this that she often retired with her brother Roderick to a solitary place, in order to read more undisturbed. Though scarcely seven years of age she thus obtained so vivid a knowledge as well of temporal as of spiritual things that she sometimes would exclaim, as if in ecstasy: "O Eternity! O Eternity! To be tormented during a whole eternity! To rejoice during a whole eternity! To be without end in pain! To be without end in joy! Oh, who can find words for it?" Whilst she read the lives of the Saints, her heart became so inflamed with the desire to die for the honor of Christ, that, in company with Roderick, she secretly left her father's home, intending to go to Africa to preach Christ among the Saracens, and thus earn the glorious crown of martyrdom. Although the two young adventurers were immediately pursued and brought back to their parents, yet the desire to die for Christ could not be torn from Teresa's heart. When, in the twelfth year of her age, she lost her mother by an early death, Teresa cast herself down before an image of the Blessed Virgin, and in a flood of tears, cried out: "Mother of Mercy! I choose thee for my Mother! Take me, a poor orphan, among the number of thy children!" The wonderful protection of the Queen of Heaven, which she enjoyed in the future, proved that her prayer was heard.
PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS.Through the natural levity and forgetfulness of childhood, it happened that Teresa, after the death of her mother, gradually left off her devout reading, and instead of it, fell upon worldly books. She also became very intimate with one of her cousins, who was much addicted to vanity. This caused her to grow cold in her devotion; she no longer found pleasure in prayer, but became idle and vain,--without, however, losing the innocence of her heart. When her pious father became aware of the change, he sent her into an Augustinian convent, where she soon came to the knowledge of her fault, and bitterly repented of it. That she did not fall into greater spiritual danger she always ascribed to the special favor of the Divine Mother. She again began to read devout books, and thus brought back her former pious zeal, which had almost entirely died out, since she had spent so much time in reading romances. Soon after, she became dangerously sick, and her father took her home again. During her illness she recognized more thoroughly than before the vanity of the world, and was filled with an intense desire to leave it entirely and to serve God in the religious state. Her father was greatly opposed to this; but she secretly fled to the convent of the Carmelite Nuns, near Avila. This took place when she was in her twentieth year. But no sooner had she left her father's house, than she felt so ardent a desire to return to it, that she trembled in all her limbs. Looking upon this as a temptation of Satan, she courageously continued her way, and when she had arrived at the Convent, an entire change suddenly took place within her; her sorrow and dread became joy and comfort. Thus did the Almighty recompense her self-control. Teresa began her noviciate with great zeal, continued in it, and ended by taking upon herself the usual vows. Some time later, however, she once more lost her fervor in the service of God, because she conversed too long and too often with people of the world and thus neglected her prayers and lost her love for devout exercises. One day, going into church to pray, her eyes fell upon a picture of Our Saviour representing Him covered with wounds. At the same moment, her inmost soul was deeply moved by the thought that Christ had suffered so much for her, and that she had hitherto been so ungrateful and disobedient to Him. Her heart became so filled with grief, that it seemed to her as if it would break. Hence, sinking down before the image, she began to weep bitterly over her inconstancy, and said, with the most perfect trust: "Lord, I will not rise from the ground, until Thou hast bestowed sufficient strength on me, not to sin in future, but to serve Thee faithfully and with my whole heart." This short but fervent prayer of Teresa was heard by the Almighty. Her heart was suddenly and forever changed; all affection for human beings was banished from it; her love of God and her delight in prayer and other spiritual exercises renewed, and the resolution taken to continue henceforth in the same. From that hour Teresa vacillated no more in the service of God, but persevered, with uninterrupted and daily increasing zeal, in the path of virtue and perfection. God afterwards revealed to her that she owed her conversion to the intercession of St. Joseph and of the Blessed Virgin; hence she sought also to obtain the grace of perseverance by their aid. To this end, she represented frequently to herself the example of St. Magdalen and St. Augustine, and thus animated herself against a relapse. She repented daily most bitterly of the faults of her past life and endeavored to atone for them by wearing rough penitential garments, by scourging herself, and by other penances, although, according to the words of her confessors, she had not been guilty of great sin. One day, God showed her a terrible place in hell, saying that she would have been precipitated into it, if she had continued in her frivolous conversations at the convent-gate with people of the world, and in her neglect of devotional exercises. Her hair stood on end at this revelation, and her eagerness to serve God most faithfully and also to persuade others to do the same, was newly awakened. For this reason, she determined to use all possible means, in order to institute once more the original austerity of the Carmelites, from which, by consent of the spiritual authorities, they had somewhat departed. God Himself inspired her with these thoughts and promised her His aid in the execution of them. But as this was an undertaking which had never yet been attempted by a woman, it is easy to imagine the many and great obstacles she had to overcome. Many of the Clergy and laity opposed her plans, and she was slandered and persecuted on account of them. But notwithstanding this, heaven so visibly assisted her, that, before her death, she counted thirty-two new convents, either of men or of women, in which the religious of her order led a holy life in the observance of all the severity of the original rule. Whoever reflects on the trouble and labor it must have cost St. Teresa to carry out this great enterprise, will not hesitate to pronounce her success a great miracle. It is impossible to describe the great virtues of this holy foundress or the wonderful graces which God bestowed upon her. She possessed among others, the gifts of prophecy and of reading the secrets of the heart. During her prayer, she frequently fell into ecstasy, and was often seen surrounded by a divine light. Once she was heard to exclaim: "Ah! only one God! Only one death! Only one soul! "the explanation of which words she herself gave afterwards, as follows: "There is only one God; if we displease Him, there is no other from whom to seek help. Man dies only once; if therefore his death is unhappy, there is no chance left to remedy the mistake. One soul only do we possess; and if this is lost, there is no hope of salvation." The visions she had of our Lord, of the Blessed Virgin, St. Joseph, the holy Angels and other Saints, were almost without number. In the last years of her life, seldom a day passed in which she was not favored with the sight of Christ in the holy Sacrament. The Divine Mother herself instructed, comforted and strengthened her on all occasions. She said of St. Joseph, that she never asked anything of him which she did not obtain. But notwithstanding these and other great graces, her humility was so deep, that she called herself the greatest of sinners, and desired to be considered as such. She often said that she owed it to the especial grace of God that He had not, according to her deserts, precipitated her into hell. She hated all human praise, and it was her greatest delight to be abused, reviled and slandered. She often begged God to withhold His gifts, as she had so often offended Him and made herself unworthy of His grace. Not less wonderful was her patience and desire to suffer. She said, one day, that during forty years she had scarcely been one hour without pain, except at the time when she received Holy Communion, when the interior consolation she felt made her forget her bodily ailments. Incredible almost are the many and severe sicknesses with which she was visited by divine Providence. Among these were violent pains in her side and joints, trembling in all her limbs, disgust of food, and a fever which troubled her for five long years. All these were increased by temptations and spiritual desolation, and also by many and great persecutions. But in all these trials, she never manifested the slightest impatience; on the contrary, she felt an insatiable desire to suffer still more. Hence she was frequently heard to exclaim: "Lord, either to suffer or to die! For, life is too burdensome when I have nothing to suffer." During her maladies she said with Job: "If we have received good things from the hands of the Lord, why should we not also be grateful for that which is evil? "She never manifested any dislike, much less hatred towards those who most unjustly slandered and persecuted her; on the contrary, she showed them a great deal of kindness and endeavored to be useful to them. Hence a certain bishop said: "Whoever wishes to be favored by Teresa, must revile or injure her." She wept bitterly over the blindness of the heretics, and offered many penances for their conversion. She also prescribed in her regulations that the religious of her Order should offer prayers and other good works, in order that God might aid preachers and others who labor for the salvation of souls and the conversion of heretics and sinners. God, one day, showed her the joys of Heaven, saying: "Behold! of what great treasures sinners deprive themselves! "This increased more and more her zeal to further the conversion of sinners. To the poor and sick she was like a tender mother. She offered for the souls of the departed many penances and prayers, thus opening the gates of heaven to a great many of them. In purity of mind and body, she was more an angel than a human being; for besides never having the least fault to reproach herself with in that regard, she had received from God the grace of being free from all unclean thoughts and temptations. Nevertheless she employed all the means which are necessary or useful to preserve purity. Her other virtues, as her perfect obedience, her extreme poverty, her constant self-abnegation, her wonderful moderation in everything, and her great austerity, must be omitted for want of space; but of her love of God we feel obliged to speak, as in this virtue she seems to have reached the highest point which a human being can attain. And can it be wondered at? She herself saw that an angel pierced her heart with a burning arrow, as a sign of her intense devotion to the Almighty. Christ Himself gave her His hand, saying: "In future shalt thou, as a true spouse, labor zealously for my honor." Nothing grieved her more painfully than when she heard that God, whom she loved so intensely, had been offended by others; and she avoided nothing so carefully as in the least to offend Him. God was constantly in her thoughts even in the midst of her occupations. To Him she constantly raised her heart by short interior prayers, which she sent to heaven with such fervency, that the flames of divine love which burned within her, were reflected on her countenance. The least fault she committed caused her many tears, and she made a vow, not only never to displease God by a voluntary venial sin, and to guard herself against every imperfection, but also constantly to endeavor to do what she knew was most agreeable to the Almighty. The Roman Breviary testifies that she died more from the greatness of her love for the Most High, than from the pains of her sickness. She knew the hour of her death, eight years before it took place. When she felt it approaching, she wrote a most touching and beautiful letter to all the members of the Convents she had founded, exhorting them to persevere in their fervor. After having most devoutly received the Holy Sacraments, she occupied herself with mental prayer. "At length, the long wished for hour has come, in which I cannot offend Thee any more, O my Lord!" exclaimed she, "the hour in which I shall see Thee." Soon after, she thanked God that she had been born in the Catholic Church, and repeatedly said: "I am a daughter of Thy church, I die a child of the Catholic Church." She was also frequently heard to say: "O Lord! cast me not from Thy face A contrite and humble heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise." Turning on one side, her arms crossed over her breast and pressing a crucifix to her heart, she prayed silently for some time, and calmly expired, in the 68th year of her age, in 1582. Christ visibly appeared to her in her last hour, accompanied by His divine Mother and many Angels. She appeared in great glory to several of her absent friends, at the hour of her death. At the moment when she gave her soul to God, a dead tree, which stood before her cell, began to bud. Her holy body, from which a most delicious odor emanates, has remained incorrupt until this hour; and the relation of the many miracles which took place after her death, fill several books. But what appears most worthy of our admiration in the life of this Saint, is that she, though a weak woman, and almost always afflicted with sickness, could have written many books filled with more than human wisdom; worked so much for the honor of God and the salvation of souls, endured so many persecutions, wrongs and slanders in her holy undertaking; and yet succeeded so well in what she had begun by divine inspiration. God manifested in her, what a feeble human being can do with His aid, and what great works He can perfom through feeble hands.
The whole life of St. Teresa is filled with the most wholesome lessons. Let us point out some of them in a few words:
I. Teresa began in early youth, after the teachings of her pious parents, to read devout books; from this she first drew the spirit of piety. No sooner, however, had she become interested in reading worldly books, than she grew from day to day more indolent in the service of God; and she returned not to her first fervor, until she had cast aside those works, and again resumed her pious reading: a proof of the great benefit we may derive from devout books, and of the harm which worldly writings may do us. Oh! that those, who desire to live piously, may understand this, and conform their lives to it. Oh! that all Christians would guide their children from their early youth to the reading of devout books! II. Teresa, after the death of her mother, chose the Blessed Virgin to be another mother to her, and sought and found in her, comfort and help in all her needs. Through her intercession and that of St. Joseph, she received the grace of being constant in her reform. Love Mary as your mother ; seek, with filial trust, consolation and help from her. St. Joseph should be one of your principal patrons, as his intercession is very powerful with the Almighty, and especially as he has now been solemnly declared the Patron Saint of the Universal Church. III. The sight of the wounded Jesus filled the heart of St. Teresa with great contrition for her former indifferent life; it inflamed her with true love of God, and kept her until her end in these sentiments. Consider frequently how your Saviour suffered for your sake; and repent of your sins sincerely, as they were the cause of Christ's bitter Passion. Love your Redeemer with all the strength of your heart, and make the resolution to serve Him in future most fervently. IV. Teresa saw the place in hell which would have been hers, if she had not discontinued her idle discourses and her indifference in the worship of the Most High. Hence, she often gave humble thanks to God that He had not condemned her, and she learned by it how hurtful even a menial sin can become, since it may lead us gradually to the path of everlasting perdition. You have still more reason to give thanks to God that He did not call you away in your sin. How long would you already have been in hell? If idle, empty conversation would have led Teresa gradually into hell, what may you not have to fear if you do not abstain from so much sinful talking in which you indulge? Learn also that you should not esteem a venial sin, however small it appears to you, as trifling; for, it may slowly lead you to damnation. Many other lessons, which the life of St. Teresa contains, I leave to yourself to consider. One thing only I request of you. Call to mind frequently the words which the Saint uttered in her ecstasy: "Only one God! Only one death! Only one soul! "Love this only God, and do not offend Him. Take earnest care of your only, your precious, your immortal soul. "Keep thyself, therefore, and thy soul carefully." (Deut., iv.) ![]()
Litany of Saint Teresa of Jesus, the Glory of Spain
Lord, have mercy on us! Christ, have mercy on us! Lord, have mercy on us! Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God, the Father of heaven, Have mercy on us. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us. God the Holy Ghost, the Sanctifier, Have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us. * Holy Mary, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, * Saint Teresa of Avila, * St. Teresa, whose heart was transverberated by the love of God, * St. Teresa, most humble servant of God, * St. Teresa, most zealous for the glory of God, * St. Teresa, woman truly strong in mind, * St. Teresa, truly detached from all created objects, * St. Teresa, great light of the Catholic Church, * St. Teresa, reformer and glory of the Carmelite Order, * St. Teresa, Queen of Mystical Theology, * St. Teresa, lustrous name of Avila and Spain, * St. Teresa, who didst forever glorify the name of Teresa, * St. Teresa, wishing to suffer or to die, * St. Teresa, exclaiming, O Lord, how sweet and pleasing are Thy ways! * St. Teresa, desiring so much the salvation of souls, * St. Teresa, tasting and seeing how sweet is the Lord, even in this vale of miseries, * St. Teresa, exclaiming, O death, who can fear thee who art the way to true life! * St. Teresa, true lover of the Cross of Christ, * St. Teresa, who didst live to love, died to love, and wilt love eternally, * Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world: Spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world: Hear us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world: Have mercy on us. V. Pray for us, O holy Saint Teresa: R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us pray O God, Who didst replenish the heart of Thy blessed servant St. Teresa with the treasures of Thy divine love: grant that, like her, we may love Thee and suffer all things for Thee and in union with Thee; that we may gain souls to Thee, and secure our own; and this we beg through the merits of our Saviour and the intercession of Thy glorious virgin Teresa. Amen. _______________________________ Hymn to St. Teresa of Avila
Blest messenger of heaven! thou didst
Thy home in childhood leave, Intending to barbaric lands Christ or thy blood to give. But thee a sweeter death awaits; A nobler fate is thine; Pierced with a thousand heavenly darts, To die of love divine. Victim of perfect charity! Our souls with love inspire; And save the nations of thy charge From everlasting fire. Praise to the Father, with the Son, And Holy Spirit, be; Praise to the Blessed Three in One, Through all eternity. Amen _______________________________ Hymn: Haec est
Teresa's spirit on this day
(Roman Breviary)
In beauty took its upward way, Pure as a white and shining dove, To heaven's holy house above. She heard the Bridegroom's joyful cry: Come, Sister, come from Carmel high The marriage of the Lamb to share; Receive thy crown of glory there. O Jesus, Bridegroom of the Blest, By all the Virgins' choir confessed, To thee forevermore belong Their worship and their marriage song. Amen. ______________________________ Prayer of St. Alphonsus
O Seraphic virgin, St. Teresa, beloved spouse of the Crucified, thou who didst burn with such great love of God while on earth, and now burnest with a still purer and brighter flame in Heaven; thou who didst so greatly desire to see Him loved by all men, obtain for me too, I pray thee, a spark of that holy fire, whereby I may oppose the world, creatures, and myself; and grant that all my thoughts, desires, and affections may be ever employed in pursuing, whether in the midst of joys or of sufferings, the will of the Supreme Good, Who deserves our unbounded love and obedience. Oh, obtain for me this grace, thou who art so powerful with God, that, like thee, I may be all on fire with divine love. Amen.
(Indulgence of 300 days)
______________________________ St. Teresa's Book-Mark, which she kept in her Breviary
Let nothing trouble thee,
Let nothing affright thee. All things pass away. God never changes. Patience obtains everything. God alone suffices! When crosses would afflict thee, Oh! let thy watchword be, Thy holy Mother's lesson, "Let nothing trouble thee." If darkness round thee gathers, And fills thy soul with fear, "Let nothing e'er affright thee," She whispers in thy ear. In every joy or sorrow Which meets thee day by day, She bids thee to remember That all things pass away." If lonely or forsaken, By friends thou art forgot, Thy Spouse, she doth remind thee, "Is one that changeth not." When hope within thee wavers, And distant seems the goal, How patience winneth all things, She tells thy weary soul, That nothing in the wide world Is needful unto one Whose happy soul possesses God's own eternal Son. To drink the living waters At any cost or price, To quench thy thirst she whispers, "God only doth suffice." Oh! sweet, seraphic Mother, May these dear words of thine Help to unite me closer Unto my Spouse divine! ______________________________ Hope in the Mercy of God by St. Teresa of Avila
When I was in the midst of the pleasures of the world, the
remembrance of what I owed to God made me sad, and when I was praying
to God my worldly affections disturbed me. This is so painful
a struggle that I know not how I could have borne it for a month,
let alone for so many years. Nevertheless, I can trace distinctly the
great mercy of our Lord to me, while thus immersed in the world, in
that I had still the courage to pray. I say courage, because I know of
nothing in the whole world which requires greater courage than
plotting treason against the King, knowing that He knows it, and yet
never withdrawing from His presence; for, granting that we are
always in the presence of God, yet it seems to me that those who pray
are in His presence in a very different sense; for they, as it were,
see that He is looking upon them, while others may be for days
together without even once recollecting that God sees them. It is true, indeed, that during these years there were many months, and, I believe, occasionally a whole year, in which I so kept guard over myself that I did not offend our Lord, gave myself much to prayer, and took some pains, and that successfully, not to offend Him. I speak of this now because all I am saying is strictly true; but I remember very little of those good days, and so they must have been few, while my evil days were many. Still, the days that passed over without my spending a great part of them in prayer were few, unless I was very ill, or very much occupied. When I was ill, I was well with God. I contrived that those about me should be so, too, and I made supplications to our Lord for this grace, and spoke frequently of Him. Thus, with the exception of that year of which I have been speaking, during eight and twenty years of prayer, I spent more than eighteen in that strife and contention which arose out of my attempts to reconcile God and the world. As to the other years, of which I have now to speak, in them the grounds of the warfare, though it was not slight, were changed; but inasmuch as I was--at least, I think so--serving God, and aware of the vanity of the world, all has been pleasant, as I shall show hereafter. The reason, then, of my telling this at so great length is that, as I have just said, the mercy of God and my ingratitude, on the one hand, may become known; and, on the other, that men may understand how great is the good which God works in a soul when He gives it a disposition to pray in earnest, though it may not be so well prepared as it ought to be. If that soul perseveres in spite of sins, temptations, and relapses, brought about in a thousand ways by Satan, our Lord will bring it at last--I am certain of it--to the harbor of salvation, as He has brought me myself; for so it seems to me now. May His Majesty grant I may never go back and be lost! He who gives himself to prayer is in possession of a great blessing, of which many saintly and good men have written--I am speaking of mental prayer--glory be to God for it! and, if they had not done so, I am not proud enough, though I have but little humility, to presume to discuss it. I may speak of that which I know by experience; and so, I say, let him never cease from prayer who has once begun it, be his life ever so wicked; for prayer is the way to amend it, and without prayer such amendment will be much more difficult. Let him not be tempted by Satan, as I was, to give it up, on the pretense of humility; let him rather believe that His words are true Who says that, if we truly repent, and resolve never to offend Him, He will take us into His favor again, give us the graces He gave us before, and occasionally even greater, if our repentance deserves it. And as to him who has not begun to pray, I implore him by the love of our Lord not to deprive himself of so great a good. Herein there is nothing to be afraid of, but everything to hope for. Granting that such a one does not advance, nor make an effort to become perfect, so as to merit the joys and consolations which the perfect receive from God, yet he will by little and little attain to a knowledge of the road which leads to heaven. And, if he perseveres, I hope in the mercy of God for him, seeing that no one ever took Him for his friend that was not amply rewarded; for mental prayer is nothing else, in my opinion, but being on terms of friendship with God, frequently conversing in secret with Him Who, we know, loves us. Now, true love and lasting friendship require certain dispositions; those of our Lord, we know, are absolutely perfect; ours, vicious, sensual, and thankless; and you cannot, therefore, bring yourselves to love Him, as He loves you, because you have not the disposition to do so; and if you do not love Him, yet, seeing how much it concerns you to have His friendship, and how great is His love for you, rise above that pain you feel at being much with Him Who is so different from you. O infinite Goodness of my God! I seem to see Thee and myself in this relation to one another. O Joy of the angels! when I consider it, I wish I could wholly die of love! How true it is that Thou endurest those who will not endure Thee! Oh, how good a friend art Thou, O my Lord! how Thou comfortest and endurest, and also waitest for them to make themselves like unto Thee, and yet, in the meanwhile, art Thyself so patient of the state they are in! Thou takest into account the occasions during which they seek Thee, and for a moment of penitence forgettest their offences against Thyself. ![]()
Litany of the Saints of the Carmelite Order Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God, the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us. God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us. God, the Holy Ghost, Have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us, Holy Mary, Pray for us. * Queen of All Saints, * Mother, Ornament of Carmel, * Saint Joseph, Protector of Our Order, * Our holy Father, the Prophet Elias, who by thy prayer and contemplation laid the foundation of our Order on Carmel, * Saint Eliseus, who through thy disciples didst preserve the spirit of Elias on Carmel, * St. Telesphorus, watchful guardian of the Church, * St. Anastasius, invincible amid the most fearful torments, * St. Gerard, who didst die a glorious martyr's death for the spread of the Faith, * St. Angelus, glorified with the triple crown of Confessor, Virgin and Martyr, * St. Peter Thomas, great servant and imitator of Mary, who adorned thee with all virtue, and strengthened thee in martyrdom, * Blessed Dionysius of the Nativity, invincible soldier of Christ and His holy martyr, * Bl. Redemptus of the Cross, who through thy holy zeal hast earned the martyr's crown, * St. Dionysius, zealous believer in the Mystery of the Holy Trinity and the defender thereof, * St. Serapion, renowned for thy virtue and sanctity, and for thy wisdom and knowledge, * St. Spiridion, great lover of evangelical simplicity, * St. Cyril of Alexandria, vigilant defender of Mary, Mother of God, * St. Albert, our most wise lawgiver and director, * St. Andrew Corsini, wonderful peacemaker and despiser of worldly honors, * St. Hilarion, admirable for thy life of prayer and mortification in solitude, and for thy power over evil spirits, * St. Berthold, who didst unite the dwellers on Carmel into one ecclesiastical Order of Mary, * St. Brocard, great zealot for the observance of religious discipline, * St. Cyril of Constantinople, eminent for virtue, wisdom and learning, * St. Simon Stock, privileged servant of Mary, * St. Albert of Sicily, exalted model of unspotted purity, * St. Avertanus, example of perfect obedience, * St. John of the Cross, Doctor of the Church, and sure guide in the mystical life, * Bl. Franco Lippi, outstanding for severe mortification and holy silence, * Bl. Romaeus, model of humble monastic virtue, * Bl. Angelus Augustine, marvel of eloquence in preaching the Word of God, * Bl. John Soreth, burning with love of the primitive observance, * Bl. Aloysius Rabatha, model of holy and severe penance, * Bl. Jacobinus, renowned for thy profound meekness and great humility, * Bl. Bartholomew Fanti, burning with love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, * Bl. Nonius Pereira, loyal servant and devotee of Mary, * St. Euphrasia, perfect example of obedience, * St. Euphrosina, wonderful lover of purity, * St. Teresa, illustrious reformer of Carmel, full of heavenly wisdom, * St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi, victim of crucified love, * St. Therese of the Child Jesus, teacher of the "Little Way" and Patroness of the Missions, * Bl. Frances of Amboise, noble by birth, but nobler in virtue and steadfast confidence in God, * Bl. Jane Scopelli, perfect model of prayer and mortification, * Bl. Archangela, most tender in thy love for Jesus and Mary, * Bl. Mary of the Incarnation, lover of real meekness, * Bl. Anne of Saint Bartholomew, one with Teresa in the reform of Carmel, * Bl. Mary of the Angels, like to the angels in innocence and purity, * Bl. Jane of Toulouse, admirable for love of solitude and prayer, * Bl. Therese and Companions, martyrs for Christ in the French Revolution, * St. Teresa Margaret, great venerator and humble disciple of the Sacred Heart,* All ye holy Virgins and Matrons of Carmel,* All ye holy men and women who by thy virtues have given glory to Carmel, * Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world: Spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world: Graciously hear us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world: Have mercy on us. V. Pray for us, all ye Saints of Carmel: R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us pray: Almighty and merciful God, Who dost rejoice us by the memory of all the Saints of the Carmelite Order: grant that, inspired by their example and merits, we may live for Thee alone in the continual observance of Thy law and in the perfect abnegation of self, and that we may attain to perfect happiness with them in heaven. Through Christ Our Lord. R. Amen http://catholicharboroffaithandmorals.com/ |