Maria Durch Ein Dornwald
Blest Mary wanders through the thorn, Kyrie eleison! Blest Mary wanders through the thorn, That seven long years no bloom hath borne. Jesu et Maria! What clasps she to her breast so close? Kyrie eleison! An innocent child doth there repose, Which to her breast she claspeth close. Jesu et Maria! Fair roses bloom on every tree, Kyrie eleison! As through the thorn-wood passeth she Fair roses bloom on every tree. Jesu et Maria! What shall this Infant cal-led be? Kyrie eleison! The Christ, he shall be called truly, Which Name he hath borne from eternity. Jesu et Maria! This holy Name, who shall proclaim? Kyrie eleison! Saint John Baptist shall do the same, This holy Name he shall proclaim. Jesu et Maria! What christening-gifts to him are giv'n? Kyrie eleison! All things that be, the earth, the heav'n, As christening-gifts to him are giv'n. Jesu et Maria! Who hath the world from sin set free? Kyrie eleison! This Child alone, and only He, He hath the world from sin set free. Jesu et Maria! ![]() Christmas in Germany
Many are the German contributions to this joyous season:
the Christ Kind or "Kris Kringle": toys that breathe
the spirit of the bright fairyland that lies in dark German
forests and which come to life at the Christkindlmarkt or
great Christmas Fair. But the greatest contribution of all to the
Western World is the "Tannenbaum," decorated, embellished
and festooned in utmost secrecy by Mother and
which, when lighted and appropriately revealed to view
on Christmas Eve is a never-failing source of enchantment
and excitement. Beneath its branches are gilded nuts, multi-shaped
cookies, gifts and food for every member of the
household. In some regions of the country a beautiful
representation of the Lowly Stable, and the complete story
of the Nativity, will be found under the tree, carved as only
the native craftsmen can execute it. This, and the gift of a little known parish priest, Father Josef Mohr, who wrote the immortal carol "Stille Nacht Heilege Nacht" can be said to be two of the German people's great contributions to the Christian world.
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