There appeared to them parted tongues as it were of fire, and it sat upon every one of them.--Acts 2: 3.
We celebrate the feast of Pentecost, on which the Holy
Ghost, in the form of fiery tongues, came down upon the Apostles
and the other believers. Why did the Holy Ghost choose
the form of fire? There certainly is a mystery contained in it,
for whatever God does has its reason and significance. St. Luke
did not in vain record the fact that on the feast of Pentecost
there suddenly came a sound from heaven, as of a mighty wind
coming, and that there appeared parted tongues, as it were, of
fire, and that it sat upon each of them.--Acts 2: 2, 3. Fire symbolizes
the effects which the Holy Ghost produced in the first
believers on the day of Pentecost, and which He still produces
in the hearts of Christians. The effects of grace, symbolized by
fire, shall be the subject of our meditation to-day. Fire has three
I. It illumines;
II. It cleanses;
III. It warms.
Part I.
The first effect of fire is, that it gives light. If we light a
candle in a place that is pitch dark, all becomes bright at once.
If fire breaks out on a dark night, it diffuses such a brightness
that it can be seen for several miles. The brighter the light and
the greater the fire, the more luminous becomes the place that
was dark before, and the greater the circle of light. That wonderful
luminary, the sun, illuminates the whole earth, and gives
light even to the moon and many other planets, to dispel the
darkness of the night.
Herein fire is a symbol of the Holy Ghost ; for it is He that
banishes darkness, ignorance and error, from the heart, and en-
lightens men, that they may clearly apprehend the truths and
doctrines of divine revelation.
We perceive this in the Apostles. Our Lord was three
years with them, instructing them all the while in the truths of
religion; He took great pains to remove their sensual ideas of the
kingdom of God, their prejudices and errors, and to make them
comprehend the purpose of His mission. But how slightly did
He succeed! They resembled ignorant children, who, if you explain
to them a truth a dozen times, do not understand it; most
of His doctrines were to them obscure, others they did not
understand at all. Hence they deserved to be rebuked by Christ
for their indocility, and even after His resurrection He said to
them: "O foolish, and slow of heart to believe in all things which
the prophets have spoken."--Luke 24 : 25. But how changed
they were after they had received the Holy Ghost. Our Lord
had told them that the Holy Ghost would teach them all truth;
how truly was this promise fulfilled! Then they understood all
things whatever Christ taught them; then they remembered all
His words; and all doubt, all ignorance, vanished. Then their
minds were illumined, not by long studies and researches, but
by the Holy Ghost who enlightened and taught them. They who
had never learned the art of eloquence, who never before had
spoken in public, spoke and wrote like the learned ; they were
never at a loss for words ; they were prepared to reply to every
one. They did not speak in corners, but were seen at Rome,
Athens, Corinth; in the most populous and renowned cities they
spoke before the high and the low, the learned and unlearned,
Jews and Gentiles, and what they said is the essence of wisdom,
such as the world had never heard before. So wonderfully did
the Holy Ghost enlighten the Apostles!
As the light of the Holy Ghost was necessary to the Apostles,
so it is necessary to all men, if they are to come to the
knowledge of the truth. Though they may have understanding
and be scientifically educated, there is darkness in their soul in
all things concerning everlasting salvation, if they be not
enlightened by the Holy Ghost. Even the best religious instruction
and the cleverest books, are unable without the light of the
Holy Ghost to convince them of the truths of the faith and to
move them to embrace it. Hence we see that great and learned
men who devote much time and labor to the study of the
Catholic Church and her doctrine are not converted, but persevere
in their errors; they are destitute of the blessed light of the Holy
Ghost because they do not humbly pray for it. Again, there are
many Christians who deem that to be right and lawful which is
openly contrary to the law of God; for instance, that impurity is
only a human weakness, which God does not grievously
condemn; that certain tricks and frauds in business are permissible;
that lies and even false oaths are no sin, if thereby one can avert
injury or damage from one's self or others. Whence these
pernicious and culpable errors? Because such Christians lack the light
of the Holy Ghost. And why is it wanting to them? Because
they purposely shut their eyes to it and are deluded by the spirit
of the world. The grace of the Holy Ghost being absolutely
necessary for acquiring the knowledge of all that is needed for
salvation, we must be most anxious to obtain it. What means
must we employ for this end? We must listen to the word of
God, read spiritual books, and pray devoutly.
Part II.
Another effect of fire is, that it purifies. Rust is consumed
and all corroded iron is purified by fire. The precious metals
can be purified only by fire ; fire is the means by which the dross
and extraneous matter are removed. Hence the adage : "Gold
is tried in the furnace."
The operations of the Holy Ghost are similar to fire. He
purifies the hearts of men from the rust of sins; He consumes and
burns in them all inordinate desire for the things of this world,
purifying them by raising up their hearts to things above.
The Apostles here furnish us with a proof in point. Before
the Holy Ghost came down upon them they had various defects
and faults, and our Lord was frequently under the necessity of
reproving them severely. They were ambitious and aspired to
precedence and distinction; wherefore our Lord placed a child
in their midst and said: "Amen I say unto you, unless you be
converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into
the kingdom of heaven."--Matt. 18: 3. They possessed as yet
but little meekness, were easily excited, and gave room to
feelings of revenge."-- Luke g: 52-56. Peter sinned grievously for
he denied his Lord and Master. The Apostles were imperfect,
full of faults, before they had received the Holy Ghost. But how
differently they behaved after the Holy Ghost had come down
upon them! They became full of humility, full of meekness, of
compassion and love; they disdained and despised all earthly
things and ardently aspired to heavenly things ; in short, they
were men of heroic virtue, perfect saints.
As upon the Apostles, so upon us the Holy Ghost must
also operate like a devouring and purifying fire, that we may be
cleansed from our sins, and from worldly-minded men be changed
into heavenly-minded ones. If the Holy Ghost does not aid us,
we cannot make an act of supernatural, perfect contrition, which
is an indispensable condition for the cleansing of our conscience
and our reconciliation with God. If the Holy Ghost does not come
into our heart with His sanctifying grace, we are neither justified
nor sanctified, but are and remain sinners and objects of his
displeasure. By nature we are afflicted with inclinations to pride,
avarice, impurity, anger, envy, slander and detraction, and these,
if not bridled and subdued, lead to many sins. Can we bridle
these evil inclinations by our own strength? No, for we are not
"sufficient to think anything of ourselves, as of ourselves, but
our sufficiency is from God."--II. Cor. 3-5. If the Holy Ghost
does not assist us, we become the sport of our evil inclinations
and passions, and fall into grievous sins. The thoughts and
affections of most men are fixed upon the goods of this world; how
to have a pleasant time and gratify their desires is their principal
care; about the service of God and the salvation of their soul
they are unconcerned. Who is it that can change this perverse
mind of men? Again the Holy Ghost, who, coming with His grace
into the hearts of men, totally transforms and renews them, so
that they exclaim with St. Paul : "Furthermore I count all things
to be but loss for the excellent knowledge of Jesus Christ, my
Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count
them but as dung, that I may gain Christ."--Phil. 3: 8.
Part III.
A third effect of fire is, that it warms. Whatever you bring
in contact with fire, though it be icy cold, will soon become
warm, even hot, if otherwise it is not combustible, so that, like a
stove in a room, it diffuses heat round about. If you put a piece
of iron into the fire, it soon becomes red hot, and so partakes of
the qualities of the fire that it seems itself to be only fire, and
when struck with a hammer it will send off red-hot particles.
The fire of the Holy Ghost has the same effect. It warms
the frozen hearts of men and inflames them with holy love, which
fears nothing but sin, which courageously surmounts all
obstacles in the way of salvation, which cannot be deterred by
threats or persecution from what it knows to be its duty, and
which is ready to make any and every sacrifice, even that of life,
for God's sake.
The Apostles again furnish proof of this truth. How
weak, how timid and hesitating, they were before they had
received the Holy Ghost! When Christ was in the hands of His
enemies they all fled ; Peter denied Him, and swore that he knew
Him not. After His death, their fear increased still more ; they
dared not appear in public. They locked themselves up in
Jerusalem, for they were afraid of being arrested and condemned to
death. But how different was their conduct on and after
Pentecost! Now they are no longer the weak, timid disciples ; they
exhibit a courage which shrinks from no obstacle, despises all
threats, all dangers, all tribulations, a courage which enables
them to go cheerfully and joyfully to martyrdom and death.
Peter appears in public on the day of Pentecost and in Jerusalem,
the city which had committed deicide, and preaches Christ crucified
with such power and eloquence that three thousand Jews are
converted to the Christian faith. All the Apostles now begin
their painful, thorny career and preach the gospel ; they go into
all the world, bid defiance to all dangers and persecutions, and,
full of invincible courage, exclaim with St. Paul: "Who shall
separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation? or distress?
or famine? or nakedness? or danger? or persecution? or the
Wonderful were the effects which the Holy Ghost produced
in the Apostles, and he will produce such in us if we allow our
hearts to be inflamed and warmed by the fire of his love. In the
cold winter time all nature is benumbed, the earth is desolate
and incapable of producing a blade of grass. The fruit trees are
shorn of their luxuriant foliage and have no power to blossom or
bear fruit. But, lo, the sun comes again and warms the earth
with his rays. What a change! All nature awakens from its death-
like slumber and begins a new life ; all the plants and trees bud
bloom, grow, and bring forth fruit. So it is with us, according as
we are with or without the Holy Ghost. Without him we are
spiritually dead, we cannot do the least thing in the business of
our salvation. As the body without the soul is dead and can do
nothing, so the soul without the vital force, without the Divine
Spirit, is dead as regards the kingdom of heaven ; it can
accomplish nothing that relates to God. As soon as the Holy Ghost
comes down upon us with His divine fire we receive life, warmth
and strength. Inflamed by the fire of His love, we overcome all
temptations, keep God's commandments, fulfil the duties of
religion and our state of life, and practise the Christian virtues ;
m a word, we do everything that is necessary and useful for the
salvation of our souls. Very truly and beautifully St.
Chrysostom says: "Through the Holy Ghost we have obtained the
forgiveness of our sins ; through Him we have been cleansed from the
stains of vice ; through his gifts men who gave themselves up to
His guidance have become angels, not by changing their nature,
but, what is still more wonderful, by remaining men and walking
as purely and holily as the angels themselves. By the grace of
the Holy Ghost man, who a little while before was defiled by
the rust of sin, becomes brighter than the sun."
Such are the great and wonderful effects produced by the Holy
Ghost. Just as fire diffuses light round about and banishes
darkness, so the Holy Ghost enlightens us so that we may know what
is good and pleasing to God. As fire frees iron and other metals
from dross and makes them bright, so the Holy Ghost cleanses us
from the stains of sin and makes us glorious images of God.
And as fire warms whatever comes within its reach, so the Holy
Ghost warms the hearts of men by His love, that they may obtain
strength to surmount all obstacles to salvation and practise every
virtue. Oh, let us shun sin, walk in humility, fervently practise
the Christian virtues, and pray with attention, fervor and devotion,
that the Holy Ghost may abide with us and bless us, both for
time and eternity. Amen.
by Richard Challoner, 1807
Consider first, that the surest way to make a judgment whether the Holy Ghost abides in the soul or not, is by His fruits. The Spirit of God never lies idle: He is a fire that is always active, always in motion, always tending upwards. If we find nothing of this in our soul we have reason to fear He is not there. His fruits are charity, joy, peace, patience, &c. If we have none of these fruits, He is not with us. My son, what is thy faith? Is it firm? Is it lively? Or is it not rather dull and dead? Does it show itself in the practice of thy life? Dost thou live by faith? What is thy hope? What is thy sense of the things of eternity? What is thy esteem of spiritual things? What is thy devotion? What is thy love for God and thy neighbour? What is thy desire of making a daily progress in the way of God? By examining thyself upon these heads, it will be easy to judge whether the Holy Ghost be with thee or not. But especially there is no surer mark of this divine spirit abiding in the soul, than a constant and fervent desire of loving God daily more and more, and of ever knowing and doing His holy will in all things. Dost thou find in thyself this earnest desire of loving and pleasing God? If so, the Spirit of God cannot be far from thee.
Consider 2ndly, that as there is an infinite opposition between the spirit of God and wilful sin, so one of the surest marks of the Holy Ghost's residing in the soul, is a settled constant abhorrence of wilful sin, with a fixed determination of the soul never to admit for the future any such sin, upon any consideration whatsoever. My soul, what is thy disposition in this regard? Art thou fully determined to be ever faithful and loyal to thy God, both in life and death? Dost thou resolutely renounce Satan and all his works, both for the present time and for ever? Is it thy constant and settled resolution never to transgress the holy law and commandments of God for any worldly honour, interest, or pleasure, for any respect of person, for any fear or love, for anything that the world can give or take away, or for any other consideration? If this be thy sincere disposition and determination, the Holy Ghost is with thee; but if thou art not thus determined, there is no room for Him in thy soul, because Satan is there.
Consider 3rdly, that where the Holy Ghost comes He 'convinces the world of sin, and of justice, and of judgment,' John xvi. 8. He convinces the soul of sin, inasmuch as He gives to the soul which He enlightens with His presence, a sense of the enormity of sin, and of the multitude and greatness of her own sins in particular, a horror for that hellish monster, and a desire of abolishing it by penance. He discovers also many stains where the soul before perceived none, and humbles her exceedingly by the conviction of her manifold guilt. My soul, dost thou experience in thyself this conviction of sin? The Holy Ghost by His coming convinces also the soul of the justice of Christ and of His heavenly law, of the beauty of virtue and holiness, and of the pleasure and happiness that is found in serving God in earnest. Art thou, my soul, practically convinced of all this? Dost thou practically prefer this manna of heaven before the flesh-pots of Egypt? Again, the Holy Ghost, by His coming, convinces the soul of the wrong judgment she has hitherto made, in following the world and the prince of this world, who is already judged and condemned, and of the right judgment she ought to make of all things, in order to escape that judgment which God will otherwise one day make of her. Dost thou, my soul, find in thee this conviction of judgment? Is thy judgment rectified by the Holy Ghost in regard to truth and falsehood, verity and vanity, time and eternity? Dost thou not still follow, by a perverse judgment, the prince of this world, rather than Jesus Christ; the maxims of worldlings, who are liars in their balances, rather than the practice of the saints, who weigh all things in the scales of the sanctuary? Will thy way of judging be able to stand the test of the last great trial.
Conclude to examine well by such marks as these whether the Spirit of God be with thee or not. If thou seem to find in thyself these marks of His presence, return Him humble thanks; but be not too secure, lest the artifices of thy self-love should deceive thee, or thy pride should drive Him away from thee. But if thou discoverest not in thyself these marks of His being with thee, bewail thy misery, and give thyself no rest till by penitential tears and fervent prayer, and all the other means by which the Holy Ghost is to be invited into the soul, thou hast grounds to hope that He has returned to thee.