![]() by Rev. Francis Martyn, 1831
The Book of Tobias takes it's name from the holy servant of God whose life and extraordinary virtues it records. Though the Jews did not admit the history of Tobias into what is termed the canon, or acknowledged collection, of inspired writings, yet by the Catholic Church, which received the canon of Scriptures, not from the Jews, but from the Apostles of Christ, this Book has always been acknowledged to be one of the canonical Books of Scripture.
Reverend Francis Martyn
Indeed we find it frequently referred to as a part of the Bible in the writings of the earliest Fathers of the Church. Whoever reads with any degree of attention the Book of Tobias, must be convinced that there is no portion of the Old Testament which abounds with more excellent lessons of morality, or which is better calculated to inspire a love of virtue, and train the heart to the practice of religion. To open to you, dear Christians, the sublime moral precepts which the Book of Tobias inculcates, and at the same time to make you acquainted with the history of that holy man whose virtues it records, and whose example presents a perfect pattern of the true servant of God, is the design of the following familiar discourses. May the God of all mercy grant that the instructions which they convey, may tend to your improvement both in the knowledge and practice of your Christian duties!
Ver. 19. And when they had adored God, and given him thanks, they sat down together. ...... 13. Then Tobias, taking of the gall of the fish, anointed his father's eyes 14. And he stayed about half an hour: and a white skin began to came oat of his eyes, like the skin of an egg 15. And Tobias took hold of it, and drew it from his eyes, and immediately he recovered his sight 16. And they glorified God, both he and his wife, and all that knew him 17.
And Tobias said: I bless thee, O Lord God of Israel, because thou hast chastised me, and thou hast saved me, and behoid I see Tobias my son. The young Tobias, like his father, is the same in prosperity and adversity; nothing can draw him aside from the path of duty. Though overjoyed at seeing again his aged parents, he does not forget the directions of his guide. The Angel had told him to make his first act on entering his father's house an act of adoration and gratitude to God for the protection and the blessings which had attended him on his journey. Tobias, strictly fulfils this advice, and his parents unite with him in blessing and praising the goodness of God.
The Angel had directed Tobias, in the second place, to anoint his father's eyes with the gall of the fish, assuring him that his faith, humility, and obedience, would be rewarded by seeing his aged parent recover his sight. Tobias, the child of docility and obedience, after paying his homage of thanksgiving to God in fervent prayer, applied the gall of the fish, as the Angel had directed, and in half an hour his father recovered his sight. This miracle of the divine power and goodness, called forth an immediate return of gratitude and praise from this holy family. Nor was the tribute of grateful thanksgiving confined to those who lived in Tobias's house; their kinsmen and acquaintance joined their hearts and voices in proclaiming the wonders of God's mercy, pouring forth the sentiments of hearts, inflamed with that true charity which both "weeps with those who weep, and rejoices with those who rejoice." --page 297
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