Litany of the Seven Dolors
of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of heaven,
Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God,
Have mercy on us.
Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
V. In all our tribulations and afflictions,
R. Succor us, O most Blessed Virgin Mary.
Let us pray:
of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of heaven,
Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God,
Have mercy on us.
Mother of Sorrows,
Pray for us. *
Thou who didst find no room at the inn, *
Who wast forced to take refuge in a stable, *
Who didst lay thy First-born in a manger. *
Who didst witness with compassion the Circumcision of thy Son, *
Who didst hear that thy Son was set as a sign that should be contradicted, *
Who didst hear that thine own soul should be pierced with a sword, *
Who wast fain to fly into Egypt with thy Son, *
Who didst grieve for the murder of the Innocents, *
Who for three days didst seek sorrowing thy Son, lost in the Temple, when He was twelve years old, *
Who didst painfully note the constant hatred of the Jews against Him, *
Who, on the day of the Last Supper, didst bid a sad farewell to thy Son going to Jerusalem to suffer, *
Who didst learn that He was betrayed by Judas, and led away captive, *
Who didst see Him delivered up as a malefactor to the chief priests, *
Who didst hear that He was falsely accused, *
Who didst learn that His blessed face was struck with a fearful blow, *
Who didst hear that He was most cruelly treated by the Jews and by the soldiers, *
Who didst hear thy Son rejected for Barabbas, *
Who didst behold Him beaten with scourges and crowned with thorns, *
Who didst hear the unjust sentence pronounced against Him, *
Who didst go to meet thy Son loaded with the weight of the Cross, *
Who didst see His blessed hands and feet being pierced with dreadful nails, *
Who didst receive the last words of thy Son upon the Cross, *
Who didst stand by Him in His agony, *
Who didst receive into thy maternal bosom the lifeless body of thy Son, taken down from the Cross, *
Who, after the body of thy Son was buried, didst return home all sad and desolate, *
O Queen of Martyrs, *
O Mirror of the afflicted, *
O Comfort of the weak, *
O Strength of the fearful, *
O Refuge of sinners, *
Through the most bitter Passion and Death of thy Son,
Deliver us, O Queen of Martyrs. **
Through the most poignant sorrows of thy heart, **
Through thy exceeding sadness and desolation, **
Through thy extreme anguish, **
Through thy groans and tears, **
Through thy maternal compassion, **
Through thy most powerful patronage, **
Through thy advocacy at the throne of thy Son, **
From immoderate sadness, **
From a pusillanimous spirit, **
From every occasion and danger of sin, **
From the snares of the devil, **
From hardness of heart, **
From impenitence, **
From sudden and unprepared-for death, **
From eternal damnation, **
We sinners:
Beseech thee to hear us.
That thou wouldst vouchsafe to preserve us by thy patronage in true faith, hope, and charity,
We beseech thee, hear us. ***
That thou wouldst vouchsafe to obtain for us from thy Son perfect sorrow and repentance for our sins, ***
That thou wouldst vouchsafe to bring consolation and assistance to those who call upon thee, ***
That thou wouldst vouchsafe to succor us in the agony of death. ***
That thou wouldst vouchsafe to obtain for us a happy end. ***
Mother of God, ***
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,Pray for us. *
Thou who didst find no room at the inn, *
Who wast forced to take refuge in a stable, *
Who didst lay thy First-born in a manger. *
Who didst witness with compassion the Circumcision of thy Son, *
Who didst hear that thy Son was set as a sign that should be contradicted, *
Who didst hear that thine own soul should be pierced with a sword, *
Who wast fain to fly into Egypt with thy Son, *
Who didst grieve for the murder of the Innocents, *
Who for three days didst seek sorrowing thy Son, lost in the Temple, when He was twelve years old, *
Who didst painfully note the constant hatred of the Jews against Him, *
Who, on the day of the Last Supper, didst bid a sad farewell to thy Son going to Jerusalem to suffer, *
Who didst learn that He was betrayed by Judas, and led away captive, *
Who didst see Him delivered up as a malefactor to the chief priests, *
Who didst hear that He was falsely accused, *
Who didst learn that His blessed face was struck with a fearful blow, *
Who didst hear that He was most cruelly treated by the Jews and by the soldiers, *
Who didst hear thy Son rejected for Barabbas, *
Who didst behold Him beaten with scourges and crowned with thorns, *
Who didst hear the unjust sentence pronounced against Him, *
Who didst go to meet thy Son loaded with the weight of the Cross, *
Who didst see His blessed hands and feet being pierced with dreadful nails, *
Who didst receive the last words of thy Son upon the Cross, *
Who didst stand by Him in His agony, *
Who didst receive into thy maternal bosom the lifeless body of thy Son, taken down from the Cross, *
Who, after the body of thy Son was buried, didst return home all sad and desolate, *
O Queen of Martyrs, *
O Mirror of the afflicted, *
O Comfort of the weak, *
O Strength of the fearful, *
O Refuge of sinners, *
Through the most bitter Passion and Death of thy Son,
Deliver us, O Queen of Martyrs. **
Through the most poignant sorrows of thy heart, **
Through thy exceeding sadness and desolation, **
Through thy extreme anguish, **
Through thy groans and tears, **
Through thy maternal compassion, **
Through thy most powerful patronage, **
Through thy advocacy at the throne of thy Son, **
From immoderate sadness, **
From a pusillanimous spirit, **
From every occasion and danger of sin, **
From the snares of the devil, **
From hardness of heart, **
From impenitence, **
From sudden and unprepared-for death, **
From eternal damnation, **
We sinners:
Beseech thee to hear us.
That thou wouldst vouchsafe to preserve us by thy patronage in true faith, hope, and charity,
We beseech thee, hear us. ***
That thou wouldst vouchsafe to obtain for us from thy Son perfect sorrow and repentance for our sins, ***
That thou wouldst vouchsafe to bring consolation and assistance to those who call upon thee, ***
That thou wouldst vouchsafe to succor us in the agony of death. ***
That thou wouldst vouchsafe to obtain for us a happy end. ***
Mother of God, ***
Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
V. In all our tribulations and afflictions,
R. Succor us, O most Blessed Virgin Mary.
Let us pray:
O Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we beseech Thee, that the holy Virgin Mary Thy Mother, whose sacred soul was pierced with the sword of sorrow in the hour of Thy Passion, may intercede with us for Thy mercy, now and at the hour of our death: through Thine own merits, O Jesus, Saviour of the world. Who, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest, God, world without end. Amen.