![]() Viaticum of Saint Juliana Falconieri
O faithful Spouse of Jesus Christ and most humble Servant of the Sorrowful Virgin, glorious S. Juliana, when nearing the term of a life all spent in the practice of the most heroic virtues, you felt but the one grief of being prevented by sickness from receiving in viaticum your Beloved; but this grief proved to be so pleasing to your heavenly Spouse Jesus that He deigned Himself to reward it by an extraordinary prodigy, when, behold, at your supplications, the Divine Sacrament having been placed on your virginal breast, it instantly penetrated the same, leaving the image of the Crucified visibly impressed thereon, whilst your soul, with a sweet smile, expired in His sacred embrace. O great Saint, and my special Patroness, obtain for us from God, we pray, the grace to live a holy life like to yours, that we may die a like holy death; and in particular that, prepared for this last voyage, provided with the Holy Sacrament, and strengthened with God's grace, I may deserve a holy demise and escape eternal death.
(An Indulgence 300 Days, once a day)
St. Juliana Falconieri, Virgin by Fr. Francis Xavier Weninger, 1877
The Roman Martyrology, enlarged by Benedict XIV., announces today the festival of St. Juliana, in the following words: "At Florence, the memory of St. Juliana Falconieri, foundress of the order of Servants of the Blessed Virgin Mary." Florence in Italy, is the place where St. Juliana was born, in 1270. Her parents were of the illustrious house of Falconieri, and were long without issue; until, at last, the fruit of many prayers, this holy daughter was given to them. It was looked upon as a sign of her future holiness, that Juliana, when an innocent child, pronounced the two blessed names of Jesus and Mary, without having been taught by any one to utter them. Even in her childhood, she endeavored so earnestly to attain Christian virtues, that her uncle, St. Alexius, of the Order of Servites, who was her instructor, hesitated not to say to her mother that she had not given birth to a mortal maiden, but to an Angel.
Practical ConsiderationsAnd in truth, Juliana's conduct was such, that she resembled an angel rather than a human being. Never was it seen that she raised her eyes to look at the face of any man, much less that she ever regarded the other sex with boldness. Her horror of sin was innate, so that she trembled when she only heard the name of it, nay, she was seen to sink to the ground, as one dead, when a crime was only mentioned. Regardless of her temporal wealth, and of many advantageous offers of marriage, she made a vow, in presence of St. Philip Beniti, by which she consecrated her virginity to God, when she was not yet fifteen years of age. She was the first of her sex who entered the Order of the Servites. Many of the highest nobility followed her example. Juliana prescribed certain rules for them, in the composition of which she showed extraordinary wisdom and holiness. Hence she is justly recognized and honored as the foundress of the Sisterhood of the Servants of Mary. St. Philip Beniti, who not only enlarged the order of the Servites, but also guided those who belonged to it in a most exemplary manner, was so thoroughly convinced of the virtues of Juliana, that he said, before his death, that there was no one more fit to be entrusted with the government of the whole Order--men as well as women--than Juliana. She, however, had quite a different opinion of herself, and although she was appointed to guide others, she performed, with the utmost willingness, the most menial services for those under her. She was so deeply devoted to prayer, that she continued whole days in this exercise, during which time she often fell into ecstasies, and was favored with divine apparitions. The time unoccupied by work and prayer, she usually spent in reconciling hostile minds, for which kind office she was peculiarly qualified; and also in converting sinners, many of whom her persuasions brought to the knowledge of their faults; or in nursing the sick, to whom she was devoted with a mother's love. Anxious to conquer herself, she more than once sucked the putrid matter from the ulcers of the sick; and God, in consideration of such heroic self-abnegation, instantly restored them to health. She was as severe to herself as she was tender towards others. The rest, which she took at night on the bare floor, was very short; as she occupied the greater part of the night in prayer. She chastised her innocent body with scourges and chains of wire. She fasted every Saturday on water and bread. Two days of every week she lived almost without earthly nourishment, as she then received the bread of angels, the Blessed Eucharist. On other days, she partook of food, but only of very little, and that of the most ordinary kind, as otherwise she refused to touch it. This continual rigor eventually impaired her health and caused her most severe pains which at last, in the 70th year of her age, ended her life. She had suffered, in this manner, for many years, with the most cheerful and edifying patience. Only one thing pained her exceedingly in her last days: which was, that, as she could not retain any food, the priest could not give her the Blessed Sacrament, for which she longed so ardently. Flying for refuge to God, she prayed that He would not permit her to die without this great consolation. Soon after, as if convinced that God would bestow upon her an extraordinary grace, she requested the priest to bring the holy Eucharist, at least to her room and hold it to her breast. The priest consented to her request, but no sooner had the Blessed Sacrament been placed near her breast, than it suddenly disappeared; and at the same time the countenance of Juliana expressed a great interior satisfaction and happiness. Whilst the priest strove to recover from his surprise, the servant of God, miraculously fed with the bread of life, expired without a struggle. After her death, they found on the left side of her breast, the form of the Host, bearing the image of the crucified Saviour, like a seal pressed into the flesh. This led to the belief that the holy virgin had been, in an unprecedented way, comforted in her last hour with the Blessed Eucharist. The fame of this miracle, and of many others with which God honored her after her death, won for Juliana the esteem of the whole Christian world. Her holy body was buried in the magnificent Church which her father had built in honor of the Blessed Virgin and in memory of the Annunciation.
St. Juliana had, in her last sickness, the most intense desire to receive holy communion. How agreeable this was to the Almighty, He made manifest by the miracle related in her life. It is a great favor when, before we depart from this life, we worthily receive the Blessed Eucharist; as it imparts peculiar strength against the temptations of the devil. The Christians of olden times were wont to strengthen themselves, by receiving holy Communion, before they were led to be tortured, in order to oppose the tyrants fearlessly, and to suffer the impending martyrdom with heroism. At present, we have more to fight against the Evil One than against tyrants, and if we have not to suffer martyrdom, we still are tormented by anguish and sorrow. The holy Communion is most efficacious in imparting strength and endurance. Pray today, and pray frequently that the Almighty may not permit you to die without having devoutly received this Bread of Life. To become more worthy of this grace, endeavor, while you enjoy health, to receive Holy Communion often and with due reverence and purity. It is our duty to entertain a fervent desire to do so. If our faith in the presence of Christ is deeply rooted, our desire, our longing after him will be fervent: and the more fervent it is, the more graces we may promise ourselves to receive through the Holy Communion. The words of the Divine Mother will also in this instance become true: "He has filled the hungry with good things." (Luke i.) " Hence let us advance with ardent desire and receive the holy body of our crucified Lord," says St. John of Damascus.
__________________________ Hymn: from the Roman Breviary
To be the Lamb's celestial bride
Is Juliana's one desire; For this she quits her father's home To dwell amid the virgin choir. There day and night she mourns her Spouse; Him crucified, she mourns with tears, Till in herself, through very grief, The image of that Spouse appears. Wounded like him, she kneels transfixed Before the Virgin-Mother's shrine, And still the more she weeps, the more Mounts in her heart the flame divine. Such love abounding Christ repaid His handmaid on her dying bed, When with the food of heavenly life As by a miracle he fed. __________________________ Prayer to the Holy Saints of the Blessed Sacrament
Holy Mary, Mother of God, St. John, evangelist and beloved disciple of
Our Lord, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Alphonsus Aquinas, St. Alphonsus Liguori,
St. Paschal Baylon, St. Francis, St. Aloysius, St. Juliana, Blessed Margaret
Alacoque, St. Clara, St. Gertrude, St. Mechtildis! Ye great saints and lovers
of Jesus in the Sacrament of His love, pray for me that I may receive the Lord
most worthily in Holy Communion; that I may follow His example in the
practice of every virtue and in the faithful discharge of all my duties; that I
may persevere in holiness to the end of my life and attain to eternal salvation.
__________________________ Litany before or after Holy Communion
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God, the Father of heaven, Have mercy on us. God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us. God, the Holy Ghost, Have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us. V. Adoremus in aeternum: R. Sanctissimum Sacramentum! Jesus, Living Bread which came down from heaven, Have mercy on us. * Jesus, Bread from heaven giving life to the world, * Hidden God and Saviour, * My Lord and my God, * Who hast loved us with an everlasting love, * Whose delights are to be with the children of men, * Who hast given Thy Flesh for the life of the world, * Who dost invite all to come to Thee, * Who dost promise eternal life to those who receive Thee, * Who hadst desire to eat the Pasch with us, * Who art ever ready to receive and welcome us, * Who dost stand at our door knocking, * Who hast said that if we will open to Thee the door, Thou wilt come in and sup with us, * Who dost receive us into Thy arms and bless us with the little children, * Who dost suffer us to sit at Thy feet with Magdalen, * Who dost invite us to lean on Thy bosom with the beloved disciple. * Who hast not left us orphans, * Most dear Sacrament, * Sacrament of love, * Sacrament of sweetness, * Life-giving Sacrament, * Sacrament of strength, * My God, and my All, * That our hearts may pant after Thee as the heart after the fountains of water, We beseech Thee, hear us. ** That Thou wouldst manifest Thyself to us as to the two disciples in the breaking of bread, ** That we may know Thy voice like Magdalen, ** That with a lively faith we may confess with the beloved disciple: It is the Lord, ** That Thou wouldst bless us who have not seen and have believed, ** That we may love Thee in the Blessed Sacrament with our whole heart, with our whole soul, with all our mind, and with all our strength, ** That the fruit of each Communion may be fresh love, ** That our one desire may be to love Thee and to do Thy will, ** That we may ever remain in Thy love, ** That Thou wouldst teach us how to receive and welcome Thee, ** That Thou wouldst teach us to pray, and Thyself pray within us, ** That with Thee every virtue may come into our souls, ** That throughout this day Thou wouldst keep us closely united to Thee. ** That Thou wouldst give us grace to persevere to the end, ** That Thou wouldst then be our support and Viaticum, ** That with Thee and leaning on Thee we may safely pass through all dangers, ** That our last act may be one of perfect love, and our last breath a long deep sigh to be in our Father's house, ** That Thy sweet face may smile upon us when we appear before Thee, ** That our banishment from Thee, dearest Lord, may not be very long, ** That when the time is come, we may fly up from our prison to Thee and in Thy Sacred Heart find our rest forever, ** Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world: Spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world: Graciously hear us. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world: Have mercy on us, V. Stay with us, Lord, because it is toward evening: R. And the day is now far spent. Let us pray: We come to Thee, dear Lord, with the Apostles, saying: Increase our faith. Give us a strong and lively faith in the mystery of Thy Real Presence in the midst of us. Give us the splendid faith of the centurion, which drew from Thee such praise. Give us the faith of the beloved disciple, to know Thee in the dark and say: It is the Lord. Give us the faith of Martha to confess: Thou art Christ the Son of the Living God. Give us the faith of Magdalen to fall at Thy feet crying: Rabboni, Master! Give us the faith of all Thy saints, to whom the Blessed Sacrament has been heaven begun on earth. In every Communion increase our faith; for with faith, love and humility and reverence and all good will come into our souls. Dearest Lord: Increase our faith. Amen.