Saint Raymund Nonnatus, Confessor
Feast Day: August 31st, Patron of of Christian Motherhood
by Father Francis Xavier Weninger, 1876
Catalonia was the native country of St. Raymund who, to the astonishment of the Physicians, was born after his mother's death. As soon as he was old enough to comprehend how early he had become an orphan, he chose the Queen of Heaven as his mother, and to his last day, called her by no other name. When he had studied for some time with great success, his father, fearing the youth would enter a Religious Order, sent him into the country to take care of a farm. Raymund obeyed, and found there also opportunity to serve God. He became very fond of solitude and therefore chose for his occupation the care of the sheep, in order to gain more time for prayer and meditation.
At the foot of the mountain to which he generally led his flock, was a small, deserted hermitage, with a chapel, in which an extremely lovely picture of the Blessed Virgin was kept, which was a source of great joy to him. He there spent several hours daily, in devout exercises. Other shepherds, who observed this, and to whom the piety of Raymund was a reproach of their own negligence, reported to his father that he was doing nothing but praying, and thereby neglected his flock. The father came to convince himself of the fact, but although he found his son praying in the chapel, he saw that the flock was meanwhile attended to by a youth of uncommon beauty of form and features. Asking his son who this young shepherd was, and why he had engaged him, Raymund, to whom it was unknown that Providence had worked a miracle in his behalf, fell on his knees before his father, and begging forgiveness, earnestly promised not to commit the fault again.
The Divine Mother, of whom he begged the grace of knowing his vocation, appeared to him, saying that she desired him to take the habit of the newly established Order for the redemption of captives. He did so, and was sent to Algiers where he found a great many Christians in slavery, and as the money he had brought for their ransom was not sufficient, he offered himself as a hostage to redeem the others. He was induced to this by the danger in which the prisoners were of losing their faith and with it eternal life. This great and heroic charity gave him occasion to suffer much for the sake of Christ. At first, he was treated very harshly by his masters, but when they began to fear that he would die before the ransom was paid, they allowed him more liberty, which the holy man used only for the salvation of the captive Christians. He strengthened them in their faith, and, at the same time, endeavored to convert the infidels.
Accused of this before the Judge, he was condemned to be impaled alive, and nothing but the hope of a large ransom prevented the execution of this barbarous sentence, and caused it to be changed into a cruel bastinado. Raymund, who desired nothing more fervently than to die for Christ's sake, was not intimidated by what he had undergone, but wherever an opportunity offered itself, he explained to the infidels the word of God. The Judge, informed of it, ordered him to be whipped through all the streets of the city, and then to be brought to the market-place, where the executioner, with a red hot iron, pierced his lips, through which a small chain was drawn and closed with a padlock, in order that the holy man might no more use his tongue to instruct others. Every three days the lock was opened, and he received just enough food to keep him from starvation. Besides this, he was loaded with chains, and cast into a dungeon, where he lay for eight months, until his ransom arrived. Although it was the desire of the Saint to remain among the infidels, as he would there have an opportunity to gain the crown of martyrdom, obedience recalled him to his monastery.
When the Pope was informed of all that Raymund had suffered during his captivity, he nominated him Cardinal; but the humble Saint returned to his convent and lived like all the other brothers of the Order, without making the least change in his dress, food, or dwelling, nor accepting any honor due to him as so high a dignitary of the Church. Gregory IX, desired to have so holy a man near him, and called him to Rome. The Saint obeyed and set out on his journey. He had, however, scarcely reached Cardona, six miles from Barcelona, when he was seized with a malignant fever, which soon became fatal. He desired most fervently to receive the holy Sacraments, but as the priest called to administer them to him, delayed to come, God sent an angel, who brought him the divine food. After receiving it, he returned thanks to God for all the graces he had received from Him during his life, and peacefully gave up his soul, in the 37th year of his age.
After his death, the inhabitants of Cardona, the clergy of Barcelona and the religious of his order, contended as to where the holy body should be buried. Each party thought they had the greatest claim to possess his tomb. At last they resolved to leave the decision to Providence. They placed the coffin, in which the holy body reposed, upon a blind mule, determined that the treasure should be deposited in the place to which this animal should carry it. The mule, accompanied by a large concourse of people, went on until it had reached the hermitage and chapel where the holy cardinal, as a shepherd boy, had spent so many hours in prayer, and had received so many graces from God. There the Saint was buried, and St. Peter Nolasco, in the course of time, founded there a Convent, with a Church in which the holy remains are still preserved and greatly honored by the people of Catalonia.
I. St. Raymund instructed the faithful and the infidels; and to prevent him from this, his enemies most barbarously closed his mouth with a lock. Oh ! how much more just it would be, if such a lock were suspended from your mouth, which you open so frequently to lie, to curse, to blaspheme, to quarrel, to calumniate, to make impure speeches, to sing impure songs, and to talk frivolously in Churches. But believe me, if your mouth is not punished in this world, it will most surely suffer in the next, and as the mouth of St. Raymund, which he used so nobly, and in which he suffered so cruelly, will be specially rewarded in the abode of the angels, so will your wicked mouth be specially punished in the dwelling of the evil spirits. St. Gregory believes that the rich man suffers special pains in his tongue, because he used it at table for indecent speeches, as is yet today the habit of many. The same punishment awaits your tongue, your sinful mouth; and if you wish to escape it, be careful how you use them. Place the fear of God as a guard over them, that they may not utter a word offensive to the Most High. " Hedge in thine ears with thorns, hear not a wicked tongue, and make doors and bars to thy mouth." (Eccles. xxviii.)
II. St. Raymund, at the close of his days, gave fervent thanks to the Almighty for all favors bestowed upon him, and thus ended his life full of heavenly comfort. To give thanks to God is a duty which we ought to perform every morning and evening; for, no day, no night passes in which we, do not partake of the bounty of the Lord. You thank men who bestow kindness upon you; why then do you not thank God Who has overwhelmed you with favors, and still grants them to you daily. Do not forget your duty, but attend to it every day. Give thanks to Him also at the end of each month, in consideration of so many benefits which you have received from Him and for which you did not even ask. Whom have you to thank that you did not die during the past four weeks; that you have not been condemned to eternal flames, as so many that have been called away? Whence comes it that you were preserved from the dangers and misfortunes that befell so many others? that time and opportunity are left you to work out your salvation, whilst thousands no longer possess them?
Most assuredly, these are all benefits of the Almighty which you deserve much less than a great many others. Is it not just that you should give fervent thanks to God at the end of each month? But is your soul in such a condition that you can end this month or close your life, as peacefully as St. Raymund? Ah! if you had lived as he did, if you had constantly practiced good works, and had borne adversity with his patience, you might be comforted now, as well as at the end of your days. As, however, this is unhappily not the case, repent of your wickedness and indolence with your whole heart, and pray humbly for grace to make better use of the next month. Endeavor to atone, during the same, for your past negligence, that, one day you may not sigh uselessly: "I have had empty months." (Job. viii.) "Who will grant me that I might be according to the months past." (Job xxix.)
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, in deepest reverence we adore Thee and thank Thee for Thy infinite majesty and love. From our whole hearts, we thank Thee for all the proofs of love Thou has shown us from the beginning, to this very hour, especially for the grace that we are privileged to love Thee. Today, we thank Thee for all the mysteries of our faith, especially for the mystery of the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Who is the seal of our faith and the most sure anchor of our hope. Praise and thanksgiving be to Thee!
(Indulgence: 300 days--Pope St. Pius X)
Prayer to St. Raymond Nonnatus from the Liturgical Year, 1903
To what a length, O illustrious Saint, didst thou follow the counsel of the Wise man! The bands of Wisdom, says he, are a healthful binding (Ecclus. vi. 31). And, not satisfied with putting thy feet into her fetters and thy neck into her chains (Ibid. 25), in the joy of thy love thou didst offer thy lips to the dreadful padlock, not mentioned by the son of Sirach. But what a reward is thine, now that this Wisdom of the Father, whose twofold precept of charity thou didst so fully carry out, inebriates thee with the torrent of eternal delights, adorning thy brow with the glory and grace which radiate from her own beauty! We would fain be forever with thee near that throne of light; teach us, then, how to walk, in this world, by the beautiful ways and peaceable paths of Wisdom. Deliver our souls, if they be still captive in sin; break the chains of our self-love, and give us instead those blessed bands of Wisdom which are humility, abnegation, self-forgetfulness, love of our brethren for God's sake, love of God for his own sake.
Novena to St. Raymond
Glorious St. Raymond, filled with compassion for those who invoke
thee and with love for those who suffer heavily leaden with the
weight of my troubles, I cast myself at thy feet and humbly beg
of thee to take the present affair which I recommend to thee under
thy special protection.
(Your request here.)
Vouchsafe to recommend it to the Blessed Virgin Mary and
lay it before the Throne of Jesus, so that He may bring
it to a happy issue. Cease not to intercede for me until
my request is granted. Above all obtain for me the grace
of one day beholding my God face to Face, and with thee
and Mary and the saints praising and blessing to all eternity.
Good St. Raymond, pray for us and obtain our request.
Good St. Raymond, pray for us and obtain our request.
Good St. Raymond, pray for us and obtain our request.
Say one Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be.
Litany of Saint Raymond Nonnatus
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of heaven,
Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Mary,
Pray for us. *
Holy Mother of God, *
Our Lady of Mercy, *
Saint Raymond Nonnatus, *
St. Raymond, bereft of thy mother before birth, *
St. Raymond, accepted by the Blessed Virgin as her child, *
St. Raymond, called by Our Lady to enter her Order of Mercy, *
St. Raymond, example of heroic virtues, *
St. Raymond, zealous for the glory of God, *
St. Raymond, ransomer of Christian captives, *
St. Raymond, willing hostage for unfortunates in bondage, *
St. Raymond, confessor of Christ, *
St. Raymond, glorious martyr, *
St. Raymond, prince of the Church, *
St. Raymond, model of virginal purity, *
St. Raymond, inflamed with love for the Holy Eucharist, *
St. Raymond, given Viaticum by Christ Himself, *
St. Raymond, absorbed through death in Divine Love, *
St. Raymond, great miracle-worker by thy powerful intercession, *
St. Raymond, honored friend of God in Heaven, *
St. Raymond, Patron of Christian motherhood, *
St. Raymond, advocate for happiness in Christian families, *
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world:
Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world:
Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world:
Have mercy on us
Let us pray:
O God, Who didst bless holy Raymond, Thy confessor, with marvelous success in freeing the faithful held in bondage by the infidels: listen to his prayers, and grant to us, together with freedom from slavery of sin, the grace to perform readily whatever we know to be pleasing to Thee. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, world without end. Amen
Prayer for a Safe Child Birth
O Mary, most pure Virgin and Mother of God! I remind you of that blessed moment when you saw for the first time your newly born Babe and folded Him in your arms. Through this joy to your maternal heart, obtain for me the grace that I and my child may be protected from all dangers to soul and body. Amen
O Mary, Mother of my Savior! I remind you of the unspeakable joy you received when, after three days of painful seeking, you again found your Divine Son. Through this your great joy, obtain for me the grace to bring into the world a healthy and well-formed child. Amen.
Most glorious Virgin Mary! I remind you of that heavenly joy that flooded your maternal heart when your Son after His resurrection appeared to you for the first time. Through this your exceedingly great joy, obtain for me the happiness that, by holy Baptism, my child may be admitted to the society of your Divine Son and that of all the Saints! Amen
St. Raymond, Patron of Christian motherhood, pray for us.
Hymn: Iste Confessor
This the Confessor of the Lord, whose triumph
Now all the faithful celebrate, with gladness
Erst on this feast-day merited to enter
Into his glory.
Saintly and prudent, modest in behavior,
Peaceful and sober, chaste was he, and lowly,
While that life's vigor, coursing through his members,
Quickened his being.
Sick ones of old time, to his tomb resorting,
Sorely by ailments manifold afflicted,
Oft-times have welcomed health and strength returning,
At his petition.
Whence we in chorus gladly do him honor,
Chanting his praises with devout affection,
That in his merits we may have a portion,
Now and forever.
His be the glory, power and salvation,
Who over all things reigneth in the highest,
Earth's mighty fabric ruling and directing,
Onely and Trinal. Amen