"The King Who is to come; O come let us adore Him."
The Season of Advent begins on the 4th Sunday before Christmas. This time is set aside by the Church to bring before our eyes the Incarnation of our Lord, the coming of Jesus Christ through Grace, and the coming of our Lord on the Last Day to judge the living and the dead.
Our Advent Calendar consists of 31 days--not the customary 25--to correspond with the 31 meditations for Advent and Christmas time. Each day offers a unique reflection with a particular emphasis on the Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ as well as His sacred birth.
To follow each day, simply click on the number matching that day's date. If you are discovering this calendar after December 1st, you can still view all meditations from the preceding days.
The Hymn "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence"--chosen for this page--dates to the 5th century and the Liturgy of St. James.