"The King Who is to come; O come let us adore Him."
Our King is Jesus Christ, God and Man. The
name Jesus indicates His Divine nature. For Jesus
means Saviour ("Thou shalt call His name Jesus;
for He shall save His people from their sins"--
Matt. i. 21). Now from our sins none can save us
but One who is Himself God; none else can pay
the debt due for man's sin. Hence He who is our
King is also our Saviour; and He who is our Saviour
must be God, the God of infinite majesty,
infinite power, and infinite knowledge. This is
why before the name of Jesus every knee must
bow; because the name of Jesus is the name of
God. If men glory in having a noble King, how
much more ought we to rejoice in having as our
King the Omnipotent God and Lord of Heaven
and earth.
The second name of our King, Christ indicates
his human nature. For Christ means anointed, and
it was not possible for God as God to receive that
sacred anointing of the Holy Spirit which our King
claims for Himself in the synagogue of Nazareth
(Luke iv. 18). He could be anointed with the gifts
of the Holy Spirit only as man. As man, our King
shares our human nature; He is bone of our bone,
and flesh of our flesh; He does not disdain to
call us His brethren. He puts Himself on a level
with us; knows by His own experience all our difficulties
and troubles; and loves us with a true
human brotherly love. How happy are we to have
a King who will never misjudge or misunderstand
us, but has a perfect sympathy and compassion
for all our miseries!
Our King is Jesus Christ, and therefore at
the same time God and Man. This union of the
Infinite and the Finite surpasses our comprehension.
We can only adore.