"The King Who is to come; O come let us adore Him."
There are very few great and illustrious men
whose greatness is not in some way derived from,
or connected with, the great and noble qualities
of their mothers. Let us see how far this is the
case with Jesus Christ our King.
The Mother of our King was the only human
being who never once swerved by one hair's
breadth from the will of God. Of all the millions
who have trod the earth, she alone was entirely
exempt from sin; she only earned to the full the
blessing pronounced by her Son--"Whoever will do
the will of God, the same is My father and sister
and mother." This was the reason why our King
chose her as His abode when He came down to
dwell on earth. Oh, that I were sinless, like Mary!
but as this cannot be, I will ask her, in honor of
her Divine Son, that all my sins may be washed
away, and also, that I may henceforward always
carry out what I know to be the will of God.
Ihe Mother of our King was the only woman
who bore a son and yet remained a pure virgin,
her childbearing consecrating, not impairing her
virginity. This, miracle as it was, was but the natural
result of her being the Mother of God. O
unspotted and immaculate Mother, obtain for me
that thy Son may pour into my heart a greater
purity, that my heart may be less unworthy of the
presence of Him who loved to dwell in thy spotless
Jesus derived from Mary His Sacred Body;
His flesh was formed of Mary's flesh. And in return
she derived from Him that splendor of grace
and holiness that raised her body and soul to the
height of Heaven.