"The King Who is to come; O come let us adore Him."
Condescension is the stooping from a higher
position, in order to place ourselves on a level with
those whose position is a lower one than our own.
The good teacher stoops to the level of a learner,
in order to become intelligible to him; the prince
who loves his people stoops to kindly and familiar
intercourse, or comes down from his own level to
that of others. What shall we say, then, of the condescension
of our King, who was God, co-equal
with the Father, when He stooped to our low estate,
and came to dwell among those whom He had
made out of the dust of the earth? How can we
ever appreciate as we ought this debasement of
Himself for our sakes?
If our King had for one moment taken the
form of one of the archangels, or had appeared for
an instant among us clad in a human form of
majesty, such a condescension on the part of the
Infinite God would have had an infinite value. It
would have been an infinite debasement of His
glory and dignity. What, then, was the Divine
condescension that led Him to hide Himself in the
womb of one of His own creatures, to appear as a
helpless babe, to grow up as if an ordinary human
being, to appear among men as the inferior and
the servant of others, and to mix with the sinful
worms of earth as His friends and brethren!
But all this did not satisfy Him. He must
needs prepare for Himself not merely a humble
life, but one of rejection, and insult, and outrage.
He desired to stoop as low as He possibly could,
to submit to be trampled on, spat upon, and even
put to a slave's death. How strange, with such an
example before me, that I should be so unwilling
to stoop! It is because I am misled by my pride,
and do not see in what true dignity consists.