"The King Who is to come; O come let us adore Him."
On the night of the Nativity a countless multitude
of the heavenly host were singing the praises
of the newborn King. Let us listen to them.
They are singing Gloria in excelsis Deo--
"Glory to God in the highest!" It is the first song
they have sung on earth since the Fall. It is sung
on the occasion of the infinite humiliation of the
Son of God. Yet they sing, "Glory to God in the
highest!" It must, therefore, be a source of unspeakable
glory to God that He has taken the
form of a servant, that He has humbled Himself
to the very dust. If this is such a source of
glory to God, my true glory must consist in humbling myself.
They are also singing of peace to men. What
sort of peace? Not external peace, for Christ came
not to bring peace, but a sword; but true peace,
internal peace, that tranquility of soul that nothing
can destroy. This is the boon that Christ gives to
all who love Him, in proportion to their love.
But peace not for all, but for men of good
will. Christ indeed brought peace to all, but all
did not accept it--only those whose good-will and
loyal spirit of submission made them ready to
acknowledge Him as their Lord, and whom, therefore,
the goodwill of God had predestined to the
eternal peace and joy of Heaven. God grant that
I may be one of these!