"The King Who is to come; O come let us adore Him."
The just and holy God cannot allow a single
act of rebellion against Jesus Christ our King to
go unpunished. Even if the rebel submits, some
punishment must be inflicted. But what if he does
not submit?
The sentence passed upon every such rebel
is perpetual banishment from the presence of the
King--"Depart from Me, ye cursed." This sentence
implies misery through all eternity, for to be deprived
of God, when we have once appreciated,
even in the faintest degree, His infinite beauty,
will fill the heart of the exile with such a continual
longing after Him, that the consciousness
that this longing will never be satisfied, will fill
him with remorse, dismay, terror, self-reproach,
hopelessness, despair. O my God, grant that I may
never be separated from Thee!
To the sentence of banishment is added the
King's anathema--"ye cursed." The curse of God
carries with it every possible misfortune. It blights
a man's whole being. All his faculties are to him
sources of pain instead of pleasure. The senses,
instead of admitting to his soul that which causes
it satisfaction, will only admit what is a cause of
pain. The memory will call up all that is horrible
--the intellect will be deprived of truth; and the
heart of peace, of love, while hatred, hatred of all
the world, hatred of self will take its place. May I,
through God's mercy, never fall under the curse
of our King.
Besides all this, the body will suffer its own
punishment, and that punishment will be the pain
of burning, of all pains the one that we most
dread. "Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting
fire." May this thought help me to have a whole-
some fear of any sort of rebellion, and of all that
leads to it.