"The King Who is to come; O come let us adore Him."
During the time of our warfare on earth we
are surrounded with a number of persons and
things, all of which are intended by our King to
be means of gaining a complete victory over our
enemies, and of rendering to Him the tribute of
our faithful service. All our relations and friends,
all those who love us and set us a good example,
all who call forth our charity, or our zeal, or our
devotion to our King, are in His design meant
to further our welfare. And not these only, but
also all those who cause us sorrow and pain, those
who treat us unkindly, those who misunderstand
us, all will help us in our warfare, if we try to
use them as we know our King would desire.
All the circumstances of our life are also
means provided by our King to promote our own
happiness, and our success in His service, whether
we have prosperity or adversity, whether we succeed
or fail in our undertakings, whether we have
good health or frequent sickness, whether we have
great talents or are wanting in ability. Each is
intended as a means to help us in our warfare.
Do I seek to turn all the circumstances of my life
to my own advantage in life's warfare?
We may go still further and say that all our
personal defects, our temptations, our evil tendencies,
our frailties, our imperfections, are, in
our "King's design intended for our good. Even
our past offenses, grievous though they may have
been, and in themselves simply evil, through the
mercy of our King may yet be turned to good,
as was the case with many saints who had been
great sinners. Do I thus avail myself of all my
environment in the battle of life?