"The King Who is to come; O come let us adore Him."
How can we poor, weak and sinful men ever
hope to conform ourselves to the example of our
King and God, the Spotless Lamb of God? Is not
the task an impossible one? No, it is possible, and
within our reach, for--
The prevailing feature of His life was unselfishness,
and we all can be unselfish if we choose,
and love unselfishness, and wish to be ourselves
unselfish. To call anyone selfish, is to brand him at
once as one whom we cannot love, or even esteem;
as a despicable character, and as one whom we shall
do well to avoid. On the other hand, a thoroughly
unselfish man cannot fail to be loved; there is something
very attractive about him; we rejoice in his
society; we wish to be like him. And unselfishness
is, besides, within everyone's reach. Hence our
King, in giving us a pattern of unselfishness, gives
us a pattern of the most attractive of all qualities,
and one within everyone's reach.
Our King in proposing Himself for our example,
puts forward another virtue, which we all
can imitate, and which in us is but common sense.
"Learn of Me," He says "for I am meek and humble
of heart." Now humility in us is but the esteeming
ourselves at our true value; in recognizing
that we have nothing good of our own; and that
we are therefore to be placed below others, not
above them. This we can all practice, and must
practice, if we are to be like to our King, who
humbled Himself.
The third point in which we can easily imitate
our King is obedience. He was obedient in
every detail of His life to the will of His eternal
Father. If we try in all the particulars of our life
to do what God wills, not what we will, we cannot
fail to become dear to our King.