"The King Who is to come; O come let us adore Him."
Our King, in dealing with His subjects, does not
issue all His commands Himself. He follows the
method of all human government, and has officers
who give their orders in His name and with
His authority. Who are these officers?
They are the Bishops and Priests of the Church that He has founded who remain faithful to Him and His teachings. To these He expressly says, "He who hears you, hears Me." They bear His Divine authority. They are one and all, in their several degrees, the successors of His Apostles.
But there are other officers of my King who
hold their commission from Him. Every lawful
government in the civil order is a power appointed
by Him, and every kind of natural authority,
whether of parents, teachers, or other
superiors, marks those who hold it as delegates of
our King. Do I remember this when I am tempted
to show disobedience or disrespect to my superiors,
or to speak slightingly of them?
But if we are thus most strictly bound to
obey the King's officers, we must also remember
that there are very few of us who are not in some
way officers in our turn, and that the influence
we have with others, and the right we have to
command others, makes our position a very responsible
one. We shall be more severely judged for
our own words and actions if, through our fault,
our subordinates fall away.