"The King Who is to come; O come let us adore Him."
Our King, in spite of His Divine perfections, in
spite of His power. His claims to rule, and His
unspeakable goodness and love, has nevertheless
many and irreconcilable enemies.
His first enemy is the devil, or rather the
innumerable company of devils who make it their
one object to insult and outrage Him with insatiable
fierceness and hatred. They spare no pains,
they neglect no means within their reach, to carry
on a deadly war against Him and His soldiers.
Nothing can satisfy their malice and their fury.
Their one object is to destroy the happiness and
ruin the souls of all those who are stamped with
the image of our King. How is it that, knowing
this, I so often listen to their suggestions?
His second enemy is the world around us,
which acknowledges principles opposed to those
by which our King desires that we should be
guided. It is actuated by a covert selfishness, by
self-love, by earthly ambition, by a desire to be
highly esteemed by others, by the greed of gain.
It seeks to explain away the precepts of our King,
and it despises His counsels. It puts Him, as far
as possible, in the background or out of sight. Do
I not too often act on these worldly principles?
His third enemy is our own nature, tainted
as it is with sin. Self-will is strong within us, defying
God. Concupiscence bribes us by the promise
of pleasures, which will make us enemies of
our King, or at least will weaken our fidelity to
Him. Pride urges us on to actual rebellion, in matters
great or small. Do I fight manfully against
these enemies of my King?